Inspiring Educators

Inspiring Educators

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Bi-Weekly interviews with a global community of inspiring educators sharing their amazing journeys and passions to educate and help turn our students' dreams into realities!

Happy Friday! We are back in Idaho to celebrate our victory in education with #FlyHighFri! Our unsung hero is Mrs. Laurie Roberts, an AP English teacher who has found passion in teaching and guiding motivated students for the past 28 years strong. Listen to one of the shining examples of what personal and professional commitment […]

It’s Friday and time to celebrate individual success in education. Joining us to share her #FlyHighFri moment of the week is Mrs. Tammy McMorrowof Kuna, Idaho. Tammy has been teaching first grade for 22 years in Idaho and while first grade has its challenges, she feels the rewards are greater. Tammy can’t imagine teaching anyone […]

It’s Friday and time to celebrate individual success in education. Joining us to share his #FlyHighFri moment of the week is Mr. Simon Miller of Kellog, Idaho. Simon is a technology coordinator, a Google certified educator, a Star Wars geek, and an avid runner. After spending some years as the technology director for his school, […]

Dr. James (Jim) F. Burson is a sought-after basketball coaching consultant and motivational speaker. He is known as a “coach’s coach” (Sports Illustrated) for his lifetime commitment to improving the quality of the game at all levels and his passion for working with coaches to help them become the best they can be. Jim’s […]

It’s Friday and time to celebrate individual success in education. Joining us to share her #FlyHighFri moment of the week is Mrs. Amy Fadeji. Amy is the Principal of Penngrove Elementary in Penngorve, California and always knewshe wanted to be a school principal to guide and work withmotivated teachers and students. A tech savvy and […]

It’s Friday and time to celebrate individual success in education. Joining us to share his #FlyHighFri moment of the week is the Principal of Harbor View Elementary in Corona Del Mar, Dr. Todd Schmidt. Dr. Schmidtis a born educator and always knew his passion was to teach and credits great role models in his teachers […]

When you have lived abroad, you can never return home as the same person. All your preconceived notion of your home and the world is broadened and enhanced with real life experience. The ability to bring such valued lessons in life into the classroom is unique among the very passionate teachers who lead by example. […]

It’s Friday and time to celebrate our success in education with #FlyHighFri! Joining us to share hismoment of victory for this week is Paul EricksonfromHutchinson, KS. Paul has been selected as the 2014 Kansas Elementary School Principal of the Year andafter sixyears as principal of Inman Elementary School, Paul has already left a legacy […]

Tracy Lafreniere teaches reading and writing as a Reading Specialist at North Smithfield Elementary School. At the time she was recognized as Rhode Island Teacher of the Year, she had been teaching for 17 years. Although she has always loved to read and to teach reading, she credits her training as a Reading Recovery […]

It’s Friday and time to celebrate our success in education with #FlyHighFri! Joining us to share hismoment of victory this week is Dr. Chris Longo from New Milford, Connecticut. Dr. Longo started his educational career as a biology teacher at a middle school, and his passion to lead dedicated teachers and students has led to […]

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