Integrative Thoughts

Integrative Thoughts

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My name is Matt Coffman. I am a health coach and the host of the "Integrative Thoughts" podcast. On this show I describe the importance of diet, relationships, meditation, emotional intelligence, business, communication, manifestation, nature, and much more. It is a unique blend of strength and spirituality that come together to formulate my package. It is my job to help you live a life of purpose.

Today I have two brilliant guests on the show. This is an episode i have been looking forward to for quite some time. Matt Gallant and Wade Lightheart are the CEO and President of a supplement company called "Bioptimizers" which focuses on digestion. Todays discussion is just that! We go in depth about digestive enzymes, leaky gut, magnesium and much more. If you have been struggling with digestive issues then Bioptimizers is your solution. They have digestive enzymes, probiotics, B Vitamins, and more that are well structured around research and absorption. Absorption is key when determining which supplement to spend your money on. Bioptimizers makes sure all of their products are optimally absorbed before releasing a product. These are products that can make you feel a difference unlike many other supplements. If you head over to and enter the code INTEGRATIVETHOUGHTS10 you will get 10% off your entire order. I personally recommend the kapex to anyone wh...

Todays guest is Bryan Gohl. He has been interest in health, wellness, and exercise for many years. After a vegetarian diet ruined his health all throughout his 20's he began his journey to keto and biohacking. Through a carnivore diet and red light therapy he has been able to optimize his well being. After experiencing the healing benefits of red light therapy his company "Red Light Rising" was born. Red light therapy, also called photobiomodulation, has incredible powers and can reallyenhance people’s quality of life. Whether your goal is to haveglowing and younger looking skin,maximize recovery from workouts, haveincreased energy levels, or to improve circadian rhythm anddeeper sleep cycles. PBM can really help you achieve these goals and many, many more… Get in contact with Bryan: Instagram: Website:

This episode features my newly wed wife Nicole Coffman. We discuss our troubles during quarantine, and how we have shifted our perspective to make the best out of it. Get in contact with Cole Coffman Instagram: Facebook:

Gretchen is back once again. Enjoy your Astrological update. Get in contact with Gretchen: Instagram: @wingwomansessions Website:

Georgia is back for her second appearance. She is a holistic wellness guide, an evolutionary astrologer, yoga teacher, and a sacred space designer. Today we talk about her troubles with lead exposure, how to turn your home into a sacred space, and she explains how the 2020 astrology is connected to Covid 19. Get in contact with me: Instagram: Facebook: Get in contact with Georgia: Instagram:

Annette is back for a third time. This time we take a deep dive about the importance of maintaining a practice during the pandemic. Annette is the owner of Kodawari studios and has been effected by Covid 19. If you would like to support her during these troubling times I will link to her online practices below. You can find access to the "Kodawari Studios Unlimited Members" on the facebook page in the link below: Instagram: @kodawariyoga

Brian Scott is an author, motivational speaker, thought leader, life coach, transformation coach, influencer, podcast host for the reality revolution podcast and the laptop lifestyle podcast, and he is also anartist. He has studied and worked on consciousness expansion for over 20 years. His primary goal is find that spark to unleash your greatest potential. He is the creator of the AURA technique and the 77 steps to success. Brian created the Advanced Success Institute to gather the best experts in a variety of areas to help people overcome obstacles, unlock abundance, improve their health and improve their relationships. ASI gathers advanced technologies using meditation, hypnosis, qi gong, reality transurfing, sensory deprivation, virtual reality, mind tech, quantum jumping, reality shifting, yoga, energy psychology, luck coaching, NLP, Silva Mind Control, and biohacking. Recognizing its influence as leading success coaches, the Advanced Success Institute strives to use its vario...

Robby Besner is the CEO and Chief Science Officer of Therasage. Therasage is a company that provides premier infrared healing products, ozone therapy, essential oils, EMF protection, as well as advanced HRV program called Heart Scientific. Robby is recognized as the leader in infrared technology. Todays episode is a deep dive into his Heart Scientific Advanced HRV. This audio is best watched in video: Therasage Website:

Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is an author, speaker, and board-certified internal medicine physician. She has an active medical practice in Alabama (near the Birmingham area). She received her B.S. in Biochemistry at the University of Georgia and graduated with honors from Meharry Medical College in Nashville. She has been an adjunct faculty member at Baker College and Davenport University in Michigan teaching courses on health, nutrition, and disease progression. Dr. Dalton-Smith is a national and international media resource on the mind, body, spirit connection and a top 100 medical expert in Good Housekeeping Doctors’ Secrets. Shehas been featured in many media outlets includingWomen’s Day, Redbook, First For Women, MSNBC, and Prevention. She is the author of Set Free to LiveFree and Come Empty (winner 2016 Golden Scroll Nonfiction Book of the Year and 2016 Illumination Award Gold medalist). Her newest release is Sacred Rest:Recover Your Life,Renew Your Energy,Restore Your Sanity, i...

Todays guest goes by the name of Kole Whitty. She is a speaker, mentor, modern day shaman, and the host of the TahKole podcast with her husband Tah. We dive into her past traumas, psychedelics, and give some practical advice on how to stay safe during the pandemic. Get in contact with Kole: Website: Instagram: @tahkole @getphysikole Podcast: Shownotes: Tah Podcast: Pure Labs supplement:

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