Israel Hour Radio - Israeli Music Podcast

Israel Hour Radio - Israeli Music Podcast

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Want to create a stronger connection with the land of Israel? Israeli music will bring you closer to Israel than ever before. For more than 25 years, Josh Shron's Israel Hour Radio has presented the very best in Israeli music - with news, discussion and FUN in English! Tune in each week for a front row seat to the latest in Israeli culture, and connect with others who share your passion for Israel!

If you consider yourself an Israeli music fan, then you've got to keep up to date with the latest and greatest tunes from the Holy Land. But what's the best way to stay informed? Israel Hour Radio, of course! We've got your back with a selection of the must-hear songs of June '22 - and be prepared - most are exciting, upbeat, and tons of fun. Need a good hour of music to listen to while exercising? These songs will be just what the doctor ordered. (Original Air Date: July 10, 2022) Full playlist at Love the show? Support us by becoming a member of Join the Israeli Music Community on Facebook!

When Eyal Golan, Eden Ben ZaKen, Ivri Lider, Rotem Cohen, Idan Raichel, Noa Kirel and other Israeli singing superstars all share the stage throughout one one podcast, you know it's going to be fun. What brand new songs came out in Israel during the month of May? Tune in to this week's podcast, and get acquainted with some of the hottest Israeli songs on the radio today! (Original Air Date: June 12, 2022) Full playlist at Love the show? Support us by becoming a member of Join the Israeli Music Community on Facebook!

One of the things we love about Israeli music is that, 74 years later, it still reflects a tremendous love for our country. This is especially true in the way Israel's music industry celebrates Yom Yerushalayim, commemorating the liberation and reunification of Israel's capital city in 1967. Considering we waited for this day for 2,000 years, it probably makes sense that we're singing about it 55 years later! As we celebrate Yom Yerushalayim 5782, we present an hour of musical love letters to Jerusalem - with some composed just this year. (Original Air Date: May 29, 2022) Full playlist at Love the show? Support us by becoming a member of Join the Israeli Music Community on Facebook!

Ready to party like it's 1948? Israel's 74th may be behind us, but the celebration continues today and every day! We're celebrating the miracle of the modern State of Israel with a collection of songs released specifically for Yom HaAtzmaut throughout the years. Especially since the birth of YouTube, Israeli singers have worked hard to help us connect to Eretz Yisrael through song on this special day. This week, we're ready to inspire you with songs you'll love singing along to, all to show our love of the Blue and White! Happy birthday, Israel! (Original Air Date: May 8, 2022) Full playlist at Love the show? Support us by becoming a member of Join the Israeli Music Community on Facebook!

The weeks after Passover are an emotional roller coaster in Israel, taking us on a gut-wrenching journey from the lowest depths to the highest highs. It all begins this week with Yom HaShoa - Holocaust Remembrance Day, a day to remind us of the greatest tragedy the Jewish people have suffered in history. While the day will be marked by Holocaust programs around the world, there's something very special about the way it's observed in Israel - in art, literature, film, television, and especially music. Join us this week for an Israeli musical response to the Shoa -enabling us to NEVER FORGET. (Original Air Date: April 24, 2022) Full playlist at Love the show? Support us by becoming a member of Join the Israeli Music Community on Facebook!

Sure, we all love singing the classics, and reminiscing about the music of yesteryear. But if you want to get a sense of the pulse of today's Israel, you need to tune into today's Israeli music! Well, you've come to the right place. March 2022 was an amazing month for Israeli music, and we can't wait to share these great new songs with you! All your favorites are ready to perform for you, including Static and Ben-El, Omer Adam, Ishay Ribo, Noa Kirel, Hanan Ben Ari, and many more! (Original Air Date: April 10, 2022) Love the show? Support us by becoming a member of Join the Israeli Music Community on Facebook!

Is there an Israeli music fan out there who isn't just a little obsessed with the music of Rita? For nearly 40 years, Rita's cranked out hit after hit in Israel, and her music still blares on radios throughout the country every single day. Rita turned 60 on March 24, and we wanted to join the Israeli music community in showing our love. So this week, we present an hour of Rita's greatest hits...some sung by her, and others by adoring fellow Israeli artists. What's YOUR favorite RITA song? (Original Air Date: March 27, 2022) Love the show? Support us by becoming a member of Join the Israeli Music Community on Facebook!

With most of the world appaled at the events unfolding in Ukraine, we at Israel Hour Radio felt the need to offer some small gesture to show our solidarity. So with your help, we gathered together some of our favorite 'shirei shalom', Israeli songs of peace - and we present them this week in hopes that these songs will inspire you to keep Ukraine in your prayers. (Original Air Date: March 20, 2022) Love the show? Support us by becoming a member of Join the Israeli Music Community on Facebook!

Each month, we take time to explore what's new, hot, and trending in the world of Israeli music. Well, cold as it may have been, February was a HOT month for new Hebrew songs! Your favorite Israeli artists are excited to show off ther new material - with new songs from Idan Raichel, Omer Adam, Shiri Maimon, Ninet Tayeb, and many others! Betcha find a new favorite song this week...just be sure to write to us (josh-at-myisraelimusic-dot-com) and tell us what songs you liked best! (Original Air Date: March 13, 2022) Full playlist at Love the show? Support us by becoming a member of Join the Israeli Music Community on Facebook!

This week, we take you back to the year of Hurricane Katrina, the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran, and Israel's disengagement from Gaza. Ouch...did anything GOOD happen in 2005? Well actually, yes. In the world of Israeli music, some incredible songs came out that very same year. Take a trip back with us to 2005 in Israeli music, and sing along to some old favorites we know you'll love! (Original Air Date: February 27, 2022) Full playlist at Love the show? Support us by becoming a member of Join the Israeli Music Community on Facebook!

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