Jet Stream of Consciousness

Jet Stream of Consciousness

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75 聲音
Storm Chasing. Weather. Life.

In this episode I discuss the controversial world of news media, ENG chasers and muggles who give video away for free.Music provided by

This episode finds me discussing the not-so-glamorous things that sometimes happen during chases that chasers never divulge to the public.Things like bad driving, bathroom energencies and illegal activities. Strap in and enjoy a behind-the-curtain look into the not so great moments in stormchasing.Music provided by

In this episode I dwell on the burnout I experience from chasing too much and from seeing other chasers constantly post images. I also explain why there are no longer "levels" of chasers but just a giant melting pot of cookie cutter chasers whose results all look the same, regardless of skill level or experience.Music provided by

I deep dive into my years-long struggle to gain monetary success through chasing while shucking off notority, and how horribly that business plan failed. I also reflect on how much happier I was before the youtube craze and trying to make it as a youtuber...and how nice it is to be back in that place.Music provided by

In this jam-packed episode I discuss the pros and cons of chasing day after day, particularly the psychological pitfalls involved. I also touch on making bad reports that turn out to be flase or incorrect, and how it can damage the already-shakey relationship between the NWS/local authorities and chasers making reports. Lastly, I delve into HRRR hatred based on Reed Timmer idolization.Music provided by

In this episode I talk about the mental and physical strains of driving back home through the night after chases instead of getting a hotel room. I share stories from my past about some of our most intense marathon, "road warrior" type chases, and discuss the many pros to just getting a room instead. Also, Bridge and I score our first tornado of 2021.Music provided by

Just me ranting about how much easier chasing was back when I didn't know anything. Frustration rearing its ugly head for your listening pleasure.Music provided by

In this episode I discuss the details of why I chase in the style I do, as well as why I chose to stay home on a day that many others decided to roll the dice on. Forecasting/chasing secrets revealed by Yours Truly.Music provided by

In this episode I critique the most beloved type of tornado among chaserkind - the wedge. I also muse about what makes stormchasing the most dificult activity to plan for, as well as touch on my struggles to not over-eat Olive Garden food.Music provided by

I discuss the many layers of both busting and success, and how they work together to enable an individual to process and deal with the worst type of bust there is - when everyone nailed it but you.Music provided by

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