Jonny Quest » Podcast Feed

Jonny Quest » Podcast Feed

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Just another BrokenSea Audio Productions Sites site

The Quest family is working diligently in trying to prove Race’s innocence. But there are more players in this game than they realize. Cast: Nathan Spencer as Jonny Quest Chip Joel as Hadji and Dr. Quest Timm Gillick as Race Bannon and Gunter Capt. John Taderzak as Dr. Zin Emilie Leadley as Jezebel Jade Kristen Bays as DABBI Special Guest Actors: Laura Spencer as Hotel Manager Special Music by Kevin MacLeod at Script and Engineering by Alan Spencer NOTE : This show is rated PG for parental guidance. For more info:

The Quest team is in Germany enjoying the fests – perhaps too much as Jonny and Hadji begin to wonder if they are seeing double. Script and Engineering by Alan A. Spencer Cast: Nathan Spencer as Jonny Quest Chip Joel as Hadji and Dr. Quest Timm Gillick as Race Bannon and Gunter Capt. John Taderzak as Dr. Zin and Red Bird One Emilie Leadley as Jezebel Jade and the Vendor Kristen Bays as DABBI Special Guest Actors: Robin Carlisle as Air Traffic Controller Phillip Moxley as Red Bird Two Kim Gianopoulos as Red Bird Three and Col. Ramsey Laura Spencer as Red Bird Four, Student One and Three M. Sieiro Garcia as Student Two, and the Hotel Operator Special Music by Kevin MacLeod at NOTE : This show is rated PG for parental guidance. For more info:

Jonny, Hadji and Race fly Quest 1 to Haiti to find the missing Doctor Quest. And the discovery of an old flame of Race’s leads to more than just memories. Cast: Nathan Spencer – Jonny Quest Chip Joel – Dr. Benton Quest, Hadji Timm Gillick – Race Bannon, Prof. Gimble Emilie Leadly – Jezebel Jade, Airport Announcer M Sieiro Garcia – Montoya David Sobkowiak – The President Script and Post-production engineering by Alan Spencer Special Music by Kevin MacLeod at NOTE : This show is rated PG for parental guidance. For more info:

The Quest family are finally home on Palm Key Island. Jonny and Hadji are trying out a new computer game, while Dr. Quest investigates some network issues on a project he designed. Cast: Nathan Spencer – Jonny Quest Chip Joel – Dr. Quest and Hadji Timm Gillick – Race Bannon, Professor Gimble and IT Tech Kristen Bays – Dabbi Emilie Leadley – Jezebel Jade, TV announcer and Airport Announcer M. Sieiro Garcia – Montoya Alan Spencer – Gamer Captain John Tadrzak – Gamer NOTE : This show is rated PG for parental guidance. For more info:

The boys are kidnapped by Dr. Zin, and Dr. Quest and Race are hot on their trail. Will Dr. Zin succeed in his devious scheme? Vocal talents for this Episode include: Jonny Quest – Nathan Spencer Hadji and Dr. Quest – Chip Joel Race Bannon and Father Ivan – Timm (the Jester) Gillick Phillep and Bruno – David Sobkowiak Insp. Jacque Dupris – Mark Kalita French MC – M Sieiro Garcia Narrator and Marcel – Alan Spencer Dr. Zin – Capt. John Tadrzak Special Music from: Dan Newton’s Café Accordion Orchestra at Kevin MacLeod at NOTE : This show is rated PG for parental guidance. For more info:

Dr. Quest is asked to look into an incident that has occurred, as a favor to an old friend with Russian connections. Vocal talents for this Episode include: Jonny Quest – Nathan Spencer Hadji and Dr. Quest – Chip Joel Race Bannon and Father Ivan – Timm (the Jester) Gillick Phillep and Bruno – David Sobkowiak Insp. Jacque Dupris – Mark Kalita French MC – M Sieiro Garcia Narrator and Marcel – Alan Spencer Dr. Zin – Capt. John Tadrzak Special Music from: Dan Newton’s Café Accordion Orchestra at Kevin MacLeod at NOTE : This show is rated PG for parental guidance. For more info:

This fandom creation of Jonny Quest was made with lots of love and fun by all involved. The older members of the cast had lots of fond JQ memories, and my son made a discovery of a newly loved series. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did bringing it to you! Alan Spencer NOTE : This show is rated PG for parental guidance. For more info:

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