Keep Calm and Carry Yarn: A Knitting and Crochet Podcast

Keep Calm and Carry Yarn: A Knitting and Crochet Podcast

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Keep Calm and Carry Yarn is a podcast in equal parts measure about knitting, crochet, and the mother-daughter bond between its co-hosts, Vivian and Alyson. Join us for our twice monthly chat as we talk about our latest projects and yarn obsessions, advice from a long-time fiber fanatic to a beginner, living in Edinburgh, Scotland (Alyson) versus Virginia, USA (Vivian), fangirling over TV shows we love, and other everyday pursuits.

Oopsie! We've been sitting on this episode for a few weeks, so some of our Stranger Things comments is a little out of date. Also apologies for anyone who doesn't watch Stranger Things... this is one Buzzfeed quiz that might not make much sense to you! But we've got crafty content for you, including both Alyson and Vivian's assigned color pooling shawls. Links to things we mention: Buzzfeed Quiz Floatby Dawn Barker [Ravelry] Jaeger by Arne and Carlos [Ravelry] Sunset Shawl by Elena Fedotova [Ravelry] Loopillism by Helda Panagary Meg's Wrapby Julie Blagojevich [Ravelry] Show notes with photos Support and follow us: Instagram Pearl and Plum Etsy Our Website Buy KCACY merch Buy us a Ko-fi

The 2022 Archive KCAL is officially over. Congrats to our winner, emthom26. And many thanks to our giveaway sponsor, Yarningham for donating the prize. Yarningham is the UK's only Black led yarn festival. Tickets are on sale now for the 2022 show taking place in Birmingham on 9 & 10 July. But the real news is that Vivian completed three Archive KCAL projects... Alyson finished none... oops. Links to things we mention: Buzzfeed Quiz Float by Dawn Barker [Ravelry] Meg's Wrap by Julie Blagojevich [Ravelry] Ebba by Homer + Howells All Points Southby Casapinka [Ravelry] Hodge Podge Yarn and Fibers The Elegant Ewe Show notes with photos Support and follow us: Instagram Pearl and Plum Etsy Our Website Buy KCACY merch Buy us a Ko-fi

Vivian is the crafting star of this episode! Her pullover shawl not-a-poncho, All Points South, is growing. And the sweater for her mom is a finished object. Well sorts almost nearly a finished object. Links to things we mention: Buzzfeed Quiz All Points Southby Casapinka [Ravelry] Grand Forks Pulloverby Cheryl Chow [Ravelry] Sew Yarnilicious Plum Tree Yarn Shop Show notes with photos Support and follow us: Instagram Pearl and Plum Etsy Our Website Buy KCACY merch Buy us a Ko-fi

Our WIPs are coming along nicely despite the frogging. Finished Objects are another story altogether! No crochet or knitting FOs in sight! But Alyson did revive an old needle felting project from the dead... Links to things we mention: Buzzfeed Quiz Meg's Wrapby Julie Blagojevich[Ravelry] Grand Forks Pulloverby Cheryl Chow [Ravelry] Twylla by Rachel Coopey [Ravelry] All Points Southby Casapinka [Ravelry] Felted Barn Owl (kit fromHawthorn Handmade) Fiber Expo in Ann Arbor Show notes with photos Support and follow us: Instagram Pearl and Plum Etsy Our Website Buy KCACY merch Buy us a Ko-fi

So many things to talk about! Alyson has an WIP and an FO to chat about. And Vivian has not just a new WIP, but also three finished objects! If you're participating in the Archive KCAL be sure to use #ArchiveKCAL2022 on social media. Links to things we mention: Buzzfeed Quiz Meg's Wrap by Julie Blagojevich[Ravelry] Grand Forks Pullover by Cheryl Chow [Ravelry] Twylla by Rachel Coopey [Ravelry] Winston cardiganby La Maison Rililie [Ravelry] Mīlēt by Isolda Teague [Ravelry] Zig Zag Wings by Justyna Lorkowska [Ravelry] Scottish Wool Producers Showcase Moorit Show notes with photos Support and follow us: Instagram Pearl and Plum Etsy Our Website Buy KCACY merch Buy us a Ko-fi

We're still working on our Archive KCAL projects and making good progress! Vivian has a whole finished Mīlēt mitten and Alyson has nearly finished the first segment of her altered Meg's Wrap. Alyson also goes on a wee bit of a beach-combing tangent Links to things we mention: Buzzfeed Quiz Meg's Wrap by Julie Blagojevich[Ravelry] Mīlēt by Isolda Teague [Ravelry] Winston cardiganby La Maison Rililie [Ravelry] Moorit Show notes with photos Support and follow us: Instagram Pearl and Plum Etsy Our Website Buy KCACY merch Buy us a Ko-fi

But more importantly, we're scheming for our Archive KCAL projects! The Knit and Crochet Along will be running from March to May and we'd love for you to join us! Just use #ArchiveKCAL2022 or join in on Ravelry. Links to things we mention: Buzzfeed Quiz Winston cardiganby La Maison Rililie [Ravelry] 373 Cardigan by Pierrot Yarns [Ravelry] Firefall Toque by Amy Christoffers [Ravelry] Meg's Wrap by Julie Blagojevich[Ravelry] Mīlēt by Isolda Teague [Ravelry] Pearl and Plum Etsy Show notes with photos Support and follow us: Instagram Pearl and Plum Etsy Our Website Buy KCACY merch Buy us a Ko-fi

een 100 episodes of us babbling and taking Buzzfeed quizzes? Oh, yeah and crafting too! Vivian has been crazy busy, with three WIPs and four FOs!!! Links to things we mention: Buzzfeed Quiz Leni by Isabell Kraemer [Ravelry] Firefall Toque by Amy Christoffers [Ravelry] Winston cardiganby La Maison Rililie [Ravelry] Shepherdess socksby Clarisabeth Lopez Rodriguez [Ravelry] Vintersol sweater by Jennifer Steingass [Ravelry] Anthology by TinCanKnits [Ravelry] Pluck cowlby Stephanie Lotven [Ravelry] Show notes with photos Support and follow us: Instagram Etsy Our Website Buy KCACY merch Buy us a Ko-fi

We're in Michigan together! Vivian has some brand new WIPs and Alyson has finished her Jade Dress just in time to wear to the wedding next week. Enter our 5 Year Podiversary Giveaway! Just comment below, letting us know your result from the Buzzfeed quiz; are you a Vivian or an Alyson? Get a bonus entry by reviewing the podcast on Apple Podcasts (or any other podcast review site), then send a screenshot to Giveaway ends on 5 Feb. Links to things we mention: Buzzfeed Quiz Pluck cowlby Stephanie Lotven [Ravelry] Shepherdess socks by Clarisabeth Lopez Rodriguez [Ravelry] Winston cardigan by La Maison Rililie [Ravelry] Jade Dressby Natasha Robarge [Ravelry] Vintersol sweater by Jennifer Steingass [Ravelry] Herzblattbeanie by DUCATHI [Ravelry] Spun, Ann Arbor, MI Show notes with photos Support and follow us: Instagram Etsy Our Website Buy KCACY merch Buy us a Ko-fi

We're together again for Thanksgiving! Please excuse the short episode and less than ideal sound quality. Luckily, Vivian is carrying the team, and has started a new project to chat about. Links to things we mention: Buzzfeed Quiz Vintersol by Jennifer Steingass [Ravelry] Herzblattbeanie by DUCATHI [Ravelry] Jade Dress by Natasha Robarge [Ravelry] Sprites' Fen shawl by Helen Stewart [Ravelry] Show notes with photos Support and follow us: Instagram Etsy Our Website Buy KCACY merch Buy us a Ko-fi

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