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27 Episodes
Hi everyone! and welcome to “Learn Spanish the Natural Way”. 

I’m a teacher from Spain, who has been always concerned about how we learn languages and determined to find the most efficient and fun approach.

Through this podcast I'd like to share a variety of resources: stories, vocabulary lists, grammar explanations...etc. that I think will be helpful for all the spanish learners out there.

Whether Spanish is your hobby or you need it for your professional career don’t miss this chance to bring your Spanish to the next level!

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27 Episodes

Although there are many thousands of words in every language they estimate that in our everyday life we only use around 1000.So in this series of podcasts will go through the most important ones in Spanish, starting with the verbs.In this episode you'll hear verbs grouped in families that are roughly related between them (every new familie starts after the long pause), to help you to remember them.I encourage you to repeat after each verb, to work on your listening skills as well as in your pronunciation.Here's a list of the verbs will hear: SER Estar Haber Tener Hay QUERER Desear Amar Ayudar Intentar Conseguir Pedir Necesitar VIVIR Nacer Crecer Morir Sentir Doler Curar VER Mirar Oír Escuchar Gustar Tocar Oler

Although there are many thousands of words in every language they estimate that in our everyday life we only use around 1000.So in this series of podcasts will go through the most important ones in Spanish, starting with the verbs.In this episode you'll hear verbs grouped in families that are roughly related between them (every new familie starts after the long pause), to help you to remember them.I encourage you to repeat after each verb, to work on your listening skills as well as in your pronunciation.Here's a list of the verbs will hear: HABLAR Decir Leer Escribir Borrar Firmar PODER Hacer Trabajar Fabricar Construir Derribar Eliminar Llenar Vaciar PENSAR Imaginar Creer Saber Conocer Recordar Olvidar ESTUDIAR Atender Comprender Aprender Memorizar Enseñar Explicar Acertar Equivocar

Although there are many thousands of words in every language they estimate that in our everyday life we only use around 1000.So in this series of podcasts will go through the most important ones in Spanish, starting with the verbs.In this episode you'll hear verbs grouped in families that are roughly related between them (every new familie starts after the long pause), to help you to remember them.I encourage you to repeat after each verb, to work on your listening skills as well as in your pronunciation.Here's a list of the verbs will hear: IR Llegar Volver Venir Entrar Salir Sacar ANDAR Correr Saltar Bailar Parar Esperar Cruzar Continuar VIAJAR Subir Bajar Montar Conducir Durar Tardar CANSAR Descansar Acostar Dormir Despertar Levantar Vestir Asear Limpiar Manchar COMER Tomar (comida) Desayunar Almorzar Cenar Beber COMPRAR Alquilar Valer (servir) Costar Pagar Deber Cobrar Gastar

Although there are many thousands of words in every language they estimate that in our everyday life we only use around 1000.So in this series of podcasts will go through the most important ones in Spanish, starting with the verbs.In this episode you'll hear verbs grouped in families that are roughly related between them (every new familie starts after the long pause), to help you to remember them.I encourage you to repeat after each verb, to work on your listening skills as well as in your pronunciation.Here's a list of the verbs you will hear: DAR Quitar Recibir Perder Buscar Encontrar Mostrar Cambiar Devolver COGER Dejar Utilizar Tirar Caer Recoger Llevar Traer Enviar PONER Colocar Añadir Juntar Separar Faltar Sobrar CONTAR Medir Pesar Calcular Sumar Restar Multiplicar Dividir PERMITIR Aguantar Molestar Empezar Terminar ABRIR Cerrar Llamar SOLUCIONAR Arreglar Funcionar Estropear Romper Cortar Pegar

Do you find yourself always saying "hola" y "adios" ? Time to try something different!In this episode we'll cover some casual greetings people use in Spain so hopefully next time you can sound more natural and surprise your spanish friends!These are the expressions you'll learn:- Different ways of saying "hello": Buenas ¿Qué hay? ¿Cómo vas? ¿Qué tal ? / ¿Qué tal va tu día / semana?- Different ways of saying "goodbye": Hasta luego Nos vemos Hasta otra Chao Que tengas un buen día / semana Que vaya bienLet me know if this was helpful for you and hasta otra!

Although there are many thousands of words in every language they estimate that in our everyday life we only use around 1000.In our previous episode of this series we reviewed the most common verbs let's now go on with "nouns" (sustantivos). You'll hear nouns grouped in families that are roughly related between them (every new familie starts after the long pause), to help you to remember them.I encourage you to repeat after each word, to work on your listening skills as well as in your pronunciation!Here's a list of the nouns you'll hear:1. DOCUMENTACIÓN2. Pasaporte3. Policía4. Aduana5. Equipaje6. Maleta7. Maletín8. Bolsa de viaje9. Paquete10. Bolso11. Ordenador portátil12. Cámara de video13. Cámara de fotos14. Cola (as in queue)15. Control16. Ayuda17. Entrada18. Salida19. Derecha20. Izquierda21. AEROPUERTO22. Puerta de embarque23. Puerto24. Estación de tren25. Estación de bus26. Estación de metro27. AVIÓN28. Vuelo29. Barco30. Tren31. Metro32. Tranvía33. Vagón34. Autobú...

Although there are many thousands of words in every language they estimate that in our everyday life we only use around 1000.In our previous episode of this series we reviewed the most common verbs let's now go on with "nouns" (sustantivos). You'll hear nouns grouped in families that are roughly related between them (every new familie starts after the long pause), to help you to remember them.I encourage you to repeat after each word, to work on your listening skills as well as in your pronunciation!Here's a list of the nouns will hear:1. Cosa2. Objeto3. Máquina4. Ejemplo5. Pais6. Idioma7. Frontera8. Región9. Cuidad10. Pueblo11. Barrio12. Urbanización13. Casa14. Chalet15. Edificio16. Piso17. Apartamento18. Calle19. Avenida20. Plaza21. Cruze22. Esquina23. Centro24. Principio25. Mitad26. Fin27. Parque28. Jardín29. Fuente30. Hospital31. Ambulancia32. Farmacia33. Pastilla34. Calmante35. Antibiótico36. Herida37. Tirita38. Esparadrapo39. Algodón40. Casa41. Inyección42. Constipado43...

El Techo del Mundo El monte Everest, el “techo del mundo”. El punto más alto del planeta fue siempre una tentación para los más audaces montañeros. El Everest, el gigante del Himalaya se encuentra entre Tíbet y Nepal. La capital de esta pequeña nación es la base de partida de los que quieren conquistar la cima por la cara sur. En los valles del Himalaya las tribus de los sherpas plantan sus campamentos, son de raza tibetana. Los sherpas viven de los yaks, que les proporcionan alimento y vestido. Y dado que son gente acostumbrada a grandes alturas son los perfectos porteadores para cualquier expedición a las cumbres. Desde Katmandú partió en 1953 la expedición, mandada por el inglés sir John Hunt, pondría sus pies sobre el Everest por primera vez. Formaba parte de la expedición el gran escalador neozelandés Edmund Hilary que con el sherpa Tensing, serían los protagonistas del asalto final. El primer paso del a expedición fue contratar a 20 sherpas, que se encargar...

Although there are many thousands of words in every language they estimate that in our everyday life we only use around 1000.In our previous episode of this series we reviewed the most common verbs let's now go on with "nouns". You'll hear nouns grouped in families that are roughly related between them (every new familie starts after the long pause), to help you to remember them.I encourage you to repeat after each word, to work on your listening skills as well as in your pronunciation!Here's a list of the nouns will hear:1. Yogurt2. Tarta3. Pastel4. Chocolate5. Limón6. Helado7. Café8. Té9. Leche10. Azúcar11. Sacarina12. Agua13. Vina14. Cerveza15. Alcohol16. Naturaleza17. Mar18. Playa19. Río20. Orilla21. Lago22. Montaña23. Bosque24. Árbol25. Campo26. Ejercicio27. Deporte28. Papel29. Carta30. Folio31. Sobre32. Sello33. Libro34. Libreta35. Periódico36. Noticia37. Aviso38. Revista39. Bolígrafo40. Lápiz41. Hombre42. Mujer43. Chico44. Chica45. Niño46. Niña47. Anciano48. Ancia...

La Liebre y la TortugaEn un pueblo de los animales podían hablar vivía una liebre con unas orejas muy grandes.La liebre era muy veloz y, por eso, le gustaba presumir delante de todos los animales de ser la más rápida corriendo. Además, la liebre siempre se reía de la tortuga, de sus patas cortas y de que caminaba muy despacio.Todos los días, al ver pasar a la tortuga, la liebre le decía:-¡Buenos días, señora tortuga! ¿A dónde va usted tan despacio?La tortuga, que era muy buena, no se enfadaba nunca, porque quería llevarse bien con todos sus vecinos.Una mañana la tortuga tuvo una idea y le dijo a la liebre:-¡Buenos días señora liebre!. Todos los días la oigo decir lo mismo, pero ¿se atreve a correr conmigo para ver cuál de las dos llega antes a la meta?La liebre, al oír esto, casi se muere de la risa, pensando que le ganaría fácilmente pero, como tenía ganas de divertirse, aceptó.La zorra era la juez de la carrera y todos los animales del pueblo se reunieron...

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