Lemon Water

Lemon Water

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40 聲音
Hosted by Michelle Siman, Lemon Water is a series of ongoing conversations and interviews with leaders in the health and wellness community. As a self-proclaimed wellness enthusiast, Michelle uses this platform to learn from her guests as they share tips and stories on their own journeys.

On today's episode Michelle is joined by Philadelphia based Asia Grant who is the co-founders and creative directors of REDOUX. The conversation surrounds Asia's journey from the very corporate finance world to where she is today, the two discuss her creative process, the importance of goal setting and how she implements it, challenges that come with running your own business and how she goes about dealing with everyday anxiety. - For a limited time only Lemon Water listeners, get 15% off your first order at acidleague.com with code LEMON15 ALSO for those wanting to try out any REDOUX products, listeners can receive 15% off their first order over at redoux.nyc using code LEMON15

On today's episode Michelle sits down with friend Nohémie Mawaka who is quite literally a serial entrepreneur. Nohémie founded Stats Congo back in 2017 with an aim to help Congolese hospitals go digital and to collect data to monitor medical indicators linked to that high mortality rate. She later founded Aluuka a platform that helps western immigrants pay for loved ones medical prescription abroad hassle free , and Lubembo Honey an organically made small-batch forest honey company that was launched at the beginging of 2021. Nohémie provides insight and knowledge about her career journey and shares the importance of taking time for yourself in order to recharge and energize. - From now until August 31st, new customers can save $15 dollars off their first four grocery orders of $75 or more with code LEMONWATER60 by visiting walmart.ca/grocerypromo *Available to Canadian listeners only

Hi, so this is my first ever solo episode as requested by many of you. I chat about my career and wellness journey and answer some of your questions and lots of rambling in between. - From now until August 31st, new customers can save $15 dollars off their first four grocery orders of $75 or more with code LEMONWATER60 by visiting walmart.ca/grocerypromo *Available to Canadian listeners only

On today's episode Michelle sits down with Julie Krize, an Osteopath based in Toronto. This conversation covers more about what Osteopathy is, Julies journey in becoming an Osteopath, Michelle also shares her experience over the past few months, and they talk about the power of breath and free diving. - For a limited time only Lemon Water listeners, get 15% off your first order at acidleague.com with code LEMON15

On today's episode Michelle catches up with close friend Sydney Gore, an Editor, Writer and Journalist based in NYC. In this episode Sydney shares her story of how she got into writing, all the ups and downs that she experienced throughout her career. Sydney deep dives into her experience with burnout, freelancing during the pandemic, her new role at Architectural Digest, and learning how to listen to your body. - You can keep up with Sydneys work over at @cozy.spice and @spoiledg00ds For this week only, Lemon Water listeners can enjoy 20% off their Moon Juice order at www.moonjuice.com using code LEMONWATER

Gut-Friendly Gastronomy. Michelle catches up with Rae Drake and Cole Pearsall who are the co-founders of Acid League, a Toronto based brand that makes flavor-tripping vinegars, drinks, sauces, and condiments to energize your cooking. On today's episode the two co-founders deep dive into the history of how the brand was created and founded, the story behind the creative direction and it's importance of their brand storytelling, how their unique vinegar formulations come to life and they chat more on some exciting products coming down the pipeline. - To learn more about Acid League follow them at @acidleague For a limited time only Lemon Water listeners, get 15% off of your first order at acidleague.com with the code LEMON15

Michelle catches up with Tessa Forrest the creator of Subliming and a designer based in New York. On today’s episode Tessa discusses and shares how she got her start in the design world, her reason for creating her inspiring online design account Subliming, dealing with the constant pressure to always be creating and putting out new work, and how she has been dealing with both her mental and physical health. - You can find Tessa over at @subliming.jpg and @tessaforrest

Michelle sits down with Michelle Kuhnreich, who is the creator of the A.S.S Class and also known as @bootybymich on social. In this episode Michelle shares how she has been adjusting to the move from Vancouver to Toronto, a deep dive into how she began her career in fitness + movement and the importance of showing up for yourself every single day as a form of self love.

Today's episode is very special as Michelle is sitting down with Luanne Ronquillo who is the founder of Toronto's favorite ice cream brand Ruru Baked and her partner Sandro Petrillo who is the founder of the beautiful brand SSSOAPS. They discuss how they both got started doing what they're currently working on. Luanne shares how managing a team during the pandemic has been, along with how the teams creative process works. Sandro goes in depth with sharing his process on slowing down and working with intention. We also go into setting boundaries while working with close partners and how they were able to manage that, as always Luanne and Sandro share some of their favorite rituals of the moment. - You can follow Ruru Baked at @rurubaked and SSSOAPS at @sssoaps.co.

Michelle sits down with Liz Tran, the founder and coach of Reset a coaching company built for the ever-changing world of work. Combining her experience in tech and her passion for personal growth, Liz created Reset — a coaching company for modern CEOs who understand that exceptional leadership starts from within. On today's episode Liz dives deep and shares how she got into the coaching world, the importance of setting personal boundaries, some tips the help navigate during a time where humans are so hard on themselves, and much more. You can follow Reset at @ResetNYC for more tips and tools for a good life.

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