Life.Church: Craig Groeschel Audio

Life.Church: Craig Groeschel Audio

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Life.Church is one church in multiple locations. Listen weekly to the relevant Biblical teaching from Life.Church that inspires and changes thousands of peoples lives. Visit Life.Church online at for additional messages.

Chaos crashes on us like waves. Sorrow finds us in our lowest valleys. But in the midst of the storms and the darkness, there's a strength greater than our own. There's a redemption deeper than any pain. Sing with us a song of hope--How Sweet the S...

When you serve more, you take less. When you give more, you need less. When you thank more, you want less. When there's more of God, you're Selfless.

He's with you through the pain. He comforts you in the waiting. When you're anxious about your future, He gives you courage. As you climb the mountain, He keeps you safe in His arms. In every moment, we have God With Us.

What does it take to see a move of God? Let's see what's possible when we add our sweat, tears, and blood to the power from above. Join us for Blood and Thunder at Life.Church!

So much to do, and so little time to do it ... sound familiar? When you're spread thin, it's easy to feel defeated--but you don't have to be Overwhelmed. Let's look at how we can bring some strength and sanity to our daily lives.

Stare down your fears, shatter your insecurities, and shake off the apathy that tries to hold you back. You're not a prisoner--you're an Overcomer.

Do you do This? This opens doors and solves problems. This inspires others to do This, too--it's the good kind of contagious. When they tell our life stories, we want them to put This at the top. We are hardwired for This. This is who we are, and T...

You haven't finished your life story. What will you do with the blank pages? The choices you make today will lead you one way or another--but when you know who to trust, you'll always be headed in the Divine Direction.

For many, the most wonderful time of the year isn't so wonderful. A painful past or our own insecurities can overshadow the joy we're supposed to be feeling. What if this year could look different? It's time to let God heal the Ghosts of Christmas...

What dominates the headlines doesn't have to dominate our hearts. There's only one name that can bring the world together, and you won't find it on a ballot. Are you ready to discover the hope and freedom we've been given Under God?

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