Light Up The Couch

Light Up The Couch

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Affordable, relevant, and diverse Continuing Ed for mental health professionals… one year of unlimited CE courses for just $60. Clearly Clinical is an approved provider with the APA, NBCC, ASWB, NAADAC, CAMFT, & CCAPP; we support women and clinicians from other historically-marginalized populations, and donate to the Trevor Project.

Our innovative CE presentations and interviews feature national experts and cover topics that help today’s passionate providers learn, grow, and shine.

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Dr. Orisha Bowers, Dr. Jamie Marich, and Elizabeth Irias, LMFT, discuss the concept of reproductive justice and identify deliberate actions mental health professionals can take in a post-Roe v. Wade United States, including discussion about harm reduction, spiritual/religious abuse, and our ethical mandates, as well as available resources, considerations about client/clinician privacy and clinical documentation, and navigating potential conflicts between ethical and legal requirements. Note to listeners: This interview discusses sexual violence and uses language that may be upsetting. We also share that this conversation includes reference to umbrella terms like ‘women’s rights’ and 'human rights'. Included in this heading are the rights of transgender and cisgender people, nonbinary people, women, females, girls, and people with internal reproductive organs. Law & Ethics themes discussed in the interview are on a broad, national scale and may not be applicable in your state. The opinions expressed herein are not legal advice, and we recommending consulting with your licensing body, professional association, liability insurance, and/or a behavioral health attorney.

Julia Aziz, LCSW-S, sheds light on the challenges of managing the role of 'healer' when we ourselves are struggling, and explores the impact of being an actively wounded healer on therapy outcomes.

Dr. Dain Kloner, LMFT, discusses the phenomenon of compassion fatigue and provides guidance about how to self-assess one’s own level of compassion fatigue, as well as offers guidance about how to address and manage it moving forward. Interview with Elizabeth Irias, LMFT.

Robert Scholz, LMFT, LPCC, and Susan Hall, JD, PhD discuss Disaster Mental Health and how it impacts multiple facets of care, ranging from treatment planning to clinician burnout.

Dr. Daryl Chow, Psychologist, takes us on a journey about the limitations of a question-driven first psychotherapy session, and describes research-backed strategies to improve client engagement in order to improve retention and outcomes. Interview with Elizabeth Irias, LMFT

Beth Rontal, LICSW, details some of the myths and mistakes relating to progress notes, and provides guidance about clinical documentation dos-and-don'ts in order to improve care. Interview with Elizabeth Irias, LMFT.

Kimberley Quinlan, LMFT, provides a helpful and nuanced overview of the etiology of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and offers clarity about research-based treatment options. Interview with Elizabeth Irias, LMFT.

Erika Miley, LMHC, breaks down the appication of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in the treatment of sex-related shame, including discussion about concepts like defusion and mindfulness. Interview with Elizabeth Irias, LMFT.

Georgia King, LCSW, explains how clinicians can support the legal process and help pave the way for safety and security for the lives of those immigrating to the United States through the provision of mental health assessments. Interview with Elizabeth Irias, LMFT.

Dr. Sonja Sutherland, LPC, discusses The Cross-Cultural Civility-Mindset Developmental Model (CCCMDM) and provides a comprehensive model for effectively approaching ethical and culturally-responsive supervision & clinical intervention. Interview with Elizabeth Irias, LMFT

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