Lisa Page

Lisa Page

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Lisa Page is an international teacher, author, poet and women’s mentor who has explored the deeper truths of spirituality and sexuality for over twenty years. As a sacred intimacy teacher Lisa has been profoundly influenced by her work with David Deida since 2008, while the somatic and psychological aspect of her work has been deeply informed by her 4 year diploma in Yoga therapy, Masters in Neurological Re-patterning, Hypnosis, Performance Coaching and additional psychology training with Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes. Lisa works with women and couples world-wide and has taught trainings and live workshops in Australia, USA, Asia, NZ, UK and Europe.

This audio excerpt is taken from an embodiment training program called Fierce Boundaries, Ecstatic Surrender, which you'll find inside the EmbodyShe Wisdom Archives Library.

In this live recorded ‘Studio Session’, Lisa shares the difference between deep feminine feeling arising in the moment, and residual emotion from the past.

In this 5 minute video of Lisa teaching, she talks about the courageous and confronting landscape of having difficult conversations with your intimate partner and how utterly liberating it can be for you both if you are willing to dive in with an open heart.

In this 5 minute video, Lisa teaches how to feel intense emotions as a portal to deeper love and truth instead of shutting down or spiralling into shame and blame.

In this 5 minute video, Lisa shares a feminine practice that allows you to dissolve numbness during lovemaking so you can feel your partner’s touch more fully and enjoy the deliciousness of pleasure more deeply.

Listen in as we discuss feminine spiritual and sexual practices and hear David Deida share ways to deepen the flow of love, devotion, and the thrill of ravishment in the ‘flowery combat’ of sex and intimacy.

In this audio excerpt, I answer a client’s question about what is required to surrender more fully in intimacy, how to soften the feminine body and heart to become more receptive, and ways to deepen self-trust.

Join me with best-selling author, Harvard-Trained scholar, evocative speaker and devotee of True Love, Sera Beak as we explore...

Mantras, Molecules, Sex and the Sacred with Grammy-nominated producer, Dave Stringer.

A conversation with Mirabai Starr where we deep dive into the dark night of the Soul and what it means to hold your own feet to the fire.

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