Metal Edge Presents Another FN Podcast

Metal Edge Presents Another FN Podcast

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The official Metal Edge Magazine Podcast - in depth rock music talk and interviews hosted by Paul Gargano of Metal Edge Magazine and Izzy Presley (Monsters Of Rock Cruise, Another FN Podcast)

Lit guitarist Jeremy Popoff joins us to talk about the band’s new album ‘Tastes Like Gold’, making videos with Pamela Anderson and Dee Snider, our favorite bands from the ‘80s and more! http://www.metaledgemag.com @anothernfpodcast @metaledgemag @metaledgemagazine @metaledge85

Live from Vegas, recapping Paul's M3 experience, Izzy's Cruise To The Edge, the ACK/Smokin Kills show and much more.

Rachel Bolan of SKID ROW talking the upcoming Skid Row record, their new singer Erik Grönwall, candles, wood pallet picnic tables, and what would a show with us be without talking KISS......

Tod Howarth joins the show to discuss the 35th Anniversary of the Frehley's Comet record, Cheap Trick, Ted Nugent, 707, and playing with Izzy at his upcoming Farewell LA Party at Viper Room on April 27th.Paul & Izzy open up the show catching up on missed news, and honoring Gilbert Gottfried & Taylor Hawkins.

DROWNING POOL Discuss The Brothers In Arms Tour With ILL NINO & HED PE, Their New Album & Record Deal, Playing For The Military And More…

Frontman Matt James Talks About Blacktop Mojo, Where They Fit In The Rich Musical History Of Texas, Covering Aerosmith & The Temptations, Making Babies And More… Listen live every week at or watch on Youtube after the show or download the audio wherever you get your podcasts.

Paul & Izzy are joined by Courtney Cronin-Dold to recap the Monsters Of Rock Cruise and talk about the first presentation of Punchlines & Baclkines on the boat!

Nita Strauss talks about her chart topping single, playing with Alice Cooper, her Ibanez signature guitar line, professional wrestling, The Los Angeles Rams, & more.****NITA'S CELL VIDEO IS ONLY CHOPPY FOR A COUPLE MINUTES****https://www.nitastrauss.comhttps://www.metaledgemag.com - follow to listen live!

Paul gives Shiprocked Review and we preview Monsters of Rock, give tips for the newbies, cover listener comments and more.

This week we talk about this week’s Metal Edge Relaunch with author and Metal Edge big dog Rich Bienstalk, his ‘Nuthin' But A Good Time’ Sunset Strip Masterclass, do a deep dive into music journalism, and more!

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