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Welcome to this special episode of the MoreBikes Podcast. Today we would like to present to you an exclusive interview with the racing legend, James Whitham.James Whitham raced in both British and International championships, winning the British Championship twice. The Huddersfield-born racer won the 1986 British 80cc Championship and the 1988 1300cc Production British Championship. That’s not all though as he also competed at the Isle of Man TT between 1986 to 1989.The following was an exclusive interview with James that focused on the highs and lows of his career, his upbringing and very eccentric father and much more. Bertie Simmonds, editor of Classic Motorcycle Mechanics, conducted the interview as part of an evening with James Whitham. There is the use of some colourful language in this episode so this content is recommended for adults only. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Welcome to this special episode of the MoreBikes Podcast. Today we would like to present to you an exclusive interview with the genius engineer Allen Millyard.Millyard is behind some of the wackiest bike creations, including his award-winning ‘Flying Millyard’, which is powered by a gigantic, 5.0-litre V-twin engine designed for an aeroplane. It resembles a two-wheeled Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and was magically created in his modest suburban garage in Berkshire.The following was an exclusive interview which took place at the Carole Nash Motorcycle Mechanics Show at the Stafford County Showground. Resident compere and racing star, Steve Plater, conducted the interview. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Welcome to this special episode of the MoreBikes Podcast. Today we would like to present to you an exclusive interview with the most successful sidecar racer of all time, Steve Webster.Born in Easingwold, North Yorkshire, Webster’s career began aged 19 back in 1980 at his local circuit, Elvington near York. He went on to achieve a magnificent and very successful career, winning the FIM Sidecar Championship a record-breaking ten times.This was an exclusive interview which took place at the Carole Nash Motorcycle Mechanics Show at the Stafford County Showground. Resident compere and racing star, Steve Plater, conducted the interview. See for privacy and opt-out information.

We’ve been out on the world launch of Honda’s new Africa Twins. Over two days in Sardinia we got the chance to ride the new off-road ready Africa Twin and the two new sport-tourer leaning Africa Twin Adventure Sport’s.In between the riding, we found ten minutes to sit down with Honda’s Large Project Leader Kenji Morita and Paul Nowers from Honda Motor Europe to talk about exactly what’s going on with the three new models.For our first impressions of the new Honda Africa Twins, plus more in-depth tests, exclusive interviews and the latest news from the world of motorcycling, visit for the full length world launch review of Honda's latest generation adventure machines, check out the December 2019 issue of Motorcycle Sport and Leisure magazine. To get your hands on a copy, visit: See for privacy and opt-out information.

Morebikes has been speaking to Eelco Van Beek and Richard Barrett from Arai Europe about the iconic Japanese helmet manufacturers all-new Renegade lid, its unique VAS visor system, and why Arai is at the forefront of safety. See for privacy and opt-out information.

We had a chat with the Frenchman who had a fantastic rookie season in MotoGP. He talks about the highs and lows of the current season and what’s to come next year. See for privacy and opt-out information.

In the latest podcast from MoreBikes the guys are catching up after Mikko's latest riding trip, taking in the pleasures of the 2018 Kawasaki Z900RS just outside of Barcelona, there's a run-through of which bikes caught their attention at the recent motorcycle shows. And scumbags on bikes? What do they reckon to these scumbags on bikes and the police's plans to catch them? See for privacy and opt-out information.

Time for another MoreBikes Podcast! Tony and Mikko grab a noisy lunch and run through what's on the horizon with the big shows looming large. They also examine the latest, most exciting Honda plans that could well upset Ducati plus there's some trick new kit to check out and how to live with riding in the grotty weather. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Here it is, our 43rd podcast and in this issue Tony and Mikko talk about riding in the UK, abroad, riding with the world's first Heads Up Display system that you can buy. Breaking news on those funny Ducati racing wheels is also discussed as is the end of the Panigale and the birth of new V4 superbikes. Comparing a RG500 Suzuki Gamma to the latest R6 Yamaha starts off as a bit of fun but ends up making a point about the next generation of motorcycle riders. See for privacy and opt-out information.

The 2016 Pirelli Moto British National Superstock Champ tells all about the amazing year he had scrapping away on the Team Green 600 and looks at what's coming up next for him in 2017. See for privacy and opt-out information.

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