Murder, We Spoke: a Murder, She Wrote podcast

Murder, We Spoke: a Murder, She Wrote podcast

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We are new fans of the classic, 80s & 90s-tastic show Murder, She Wrote. Each month we watch a new episode as recommended by you, our dear listeners! On the first Friday of every month we analyze each recommended episode from the plot twists to the phenomenal fashion to the gluttony of amazing guest stars! We also bring you behind the scenes stories, trivia and even play super fun MSW-centric games! Plus we sometimes have special guests from the worlds of podcasting and stand-up comedy!

Our little podcast says goodbye by covering what was meant to be Murder, She Wrote's series finale (and what will live in our hearts as the series finale despite the show continuing for a couple hundred more episodes). We have loved every bit of this journey and thank you all for joining us for any part of it. That even one person listened to a podcast where two morons discovered the joys of JB Fletch is beyond our wildest dreams. But to have so many WONDERFUL people listen and reach out to us along the way is something we will remember for the rest of our lives. However, like Iron Man said, part of the journey is the end...

Ben and guest co-host Rachel are joined by the one-of-a-kind John Flynn to break down an episode that we actually understood front to back and were not confused by at all! Also, be sure to check out John's podcast Two Old Queens that he co-hosts with Mark Rennie. They are on the hunt for the gayest movie of all time and it is just fantastic.

Ben and returning guest co-host Rachel are beyond stoked to be joined once again by one half of the Two Old Queens podcast, the one-of-a-kind Mark Rennie! Also, Ben debuts a horrible new game that he refuses to abandon. He's a stubborn one.

Our parade of favorite guests continues as we are thrilled to have the hosts of A Date With Dateline Kimberly & Katie back on the show! The entire first season of Mexican Dynasties may be required viewing because Fernando Allende himself is in this episode and Ben & Marissa are obsessed.

We could not wrap up the podcast without having some of our absolute favorite guests back so this week Ben is joined by Matt & Gillian from the All Things Cozy podcast! We promise they're not feuding with Marissa.

We are so happy to welcome comedian/generally awesome human Caitlin Eckstein onto the show to kick off the final run of podcast episodes! Take your morning constitutional and hit play!

The Pretty Little Podcasters ride again!

It is our 50th episode and we are absolutely honored to have the hosts of A Date With Dateline Kimberly & Katie join us to celebrate! We have an absolute blast discussing casual 90's racism, indecipherable accents (as per usual), whisper-acting, Pretty Woman and Ben talks about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles too much. Katie & Kimberly's charity for the game portion of the show is going to help find a killer and free an innocent woman. You can donate and learn more at the GoFundMe page that aims to find Jim Melgar's real killer. If you dig the show, we would love it if you left us a nice review (and subscribed):iTunesorStitcher Want to help the podcast even more? You canbuy some cool MSW gear in ourMurder, We Spoke Shoppeand all the proceeds go right back into the show. Have any thoughts, questions, comments, concerns, queries or regards you'd like to share? Don't be shy, we want to hear it! Twitter:@MurderWeSpoke Instagram:@murderwespoke

Mar and Ben are joined by the hilarious and delightful Mark Rennie! He helps us break down the gaggle of French accents, each one extraordinarily different from the last. We also fall in love with the French inspector and sympathize with the murderer which we do, I dunno, too often? Mark also just happens to come across the perfect name for this podcast. Mark plays some games with us and is playing for The Trevor Project, the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25. If you dig the show, we would love it if you left us a nice review (and subscribed):iTunesorStitcher Want to help the podcast even more? You canbuy some cool MSW gear in ourMurder, We Spoke Shoppeand all the proceeds go right back into the show. Have any thoughts, questions, comments, concerns, queries or regards you'd like to share? Don't be shy, we want to hear it! Twitter:@Murde...

Caviar and tennis! What's good, Tom Cruise? If you dig the show, we would love it if you left us a nice review (and subscribed):iTunesorStitcher Want to help the podcast even more? You canbuy some cool MSW gear in ourMurder, We Spoke Shoppeand all the proceeds go right back into the show. Have any thoughts, questions, comments, concerns, queries or regards you'd like to share? Don't be shy, we want to hear it! Twitter:@MurderWeSpoke Instagram:@murderwespoke

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