No Filter with Ana Kasparian

No Filter with Ana Kasparian

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A leading voice of the millennial generation, Ana knows first hand the struggles that millennials face. By shining a light on the political and social issues that affect so many young people today, No Filter gives a much needed critical analysis of both local and global current events from Ana’s unique and inspired point of view.

Ana and Dr. Reed touch on identity politics and neoliberalism, and the way in which we are to successfully navigate the class/race dichotomy. Ana and Dr. Reed further explore these topics by placing them within the context of the 2020 Democratic primary, discussing how the neoliberal agenda can be effectively challenged when the working class joins together in solidarity --regardless of race, religion or gender.Guest: Dr. Adolph Reed Jr. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Ana and Michael Brooks discuss the recent coup in Bolivia and how to strengthen the progressive movement without self-cannibalizing. Ana and Michael then dunk on Charlie Kirk for lying and shutting down freedom of speech.Guest: Michael Brooks See for privacy and opt-out information.

Ana and Mehdi Hasan talk about the 2020 field, debating whether Sen. Warren can be considered a true progressive and which candidates might pose a serious challenge to the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Ana and Mehdi then discuss foreign policy and how the topic has been largely ignored in Democratic debates so far, despite the fact that there exist stark differences between each candidates' positions. Ana and Mehdi particularly focus on the stances put forth by Rep. Gabbard, whose record directly contradicts her self-depiction as an anti-war candidate. Guest: Mehdi Hasan See for privacy and opt-out information.

Ana and NY-12 Congressional candidate Peter Harrison discuss how to successfully address the housing crisis, exploring Harrison's proposal for a Homes Guarantee.Guests: Peter Harrison See for privacy and opt-out information.

Ana delves into how Elizabeth Warren proposes to pay for Medicare For All, putting forth a progressive critique of its details. Matthew Bruenig, founder of People's Policy Project, joins Ana to further discuss Warren's proposal, touching further on how, if implemented, the bill may harm the middle class and evaluating the political implications of this move.Guest: Matthew Bruenig See for privacy and opt-out information.

Ana and Mike Figueredo, host of The Humanist Report, discuss the 2020 primaries, why they both have endorsed Bernie and the differences between Sanders and Warren. Ana and Mike then break down Hillary Clinton implying that Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian asset and Meghan McCain's latest interview on the Ben Shapiro Show.Guest: Mike Figueredo See for privacy and opt-out information.

Ana and David Doel, host of the Rational National, discuss healthcare and the differences between the Canadian and American systems. Ana and David also discuss 2020, touching on why they both agree that Bernie is the obvious progressive choice and what problems Warren's candidacy may pose. They then discuss impeachment, and why it's imperative for the inquiry to go on.Guest: David Doel See for privacy and opt-out information.

Amy Sterling Casil LIVE on how her baby son Anthony's death left her with a $20,000 hospital bill. The Progressive Voice's Sahil Habibi LIVE on the progressive YouTube environment, Tulsi Gabbard and more.Guests: Amy Sterling Casil & Sahil Habibi See for privacy and opt-out information.

Indian PM Narendra Modi's human rights record is why does self-proclaimed anti-war advocate Tulsi Gabbard like him so much? Ken Klippenstein LIVE on the mentally ill Marine officer who went rogue to target cartel members and traffickers at the border.Guest: Ken Klippenstein See for privacy and opt-out information.

Why did the Working Families Party endorse Warren and was it the right decision? Analyzing Yang's UBI proposal. What is a worker co-op and how would it work? Jesse Lee Peterson's interview with Ben begs the question: where does logic come from?Guest: Ben Burgis See for privacy and opt-out information.

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