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14 聲音
Odyssey: The Podcast is a serialized telling in contemporary language, of Homer’s Odyssey. Over twenty-three hours, master storyteller Jeff Wright delivers a fast-paced, literate, and addictive performance. Each episode features a continuation of the story arc, followed by engaging commentary on the social, cultural and political contexts helpful to maximizing your fun with Homer’s story. Odyssey: The Podcast works brilliantly as a free-standing story, or as a sequel to Trojan War: The Podcast.

STORY 0:00 – 1:15:00 Odysseus – “the polytropus man” – sets sail for home. Adventures at Ismarus and in the Land of the Lotus Eaters follow. A detailed flashback takes us to Ithaka, to explore Penelope’s three duties in her husband’s absence: stewardship, sexual fidelity, and raising an heir. The episode concludes with Odysseus and...

STORY 0:00 – 1:03:45 This episode includes all of the adventures – the horror, the comedy, and the strategy – inside the cyclops Polyphemus’ cave. The episode concludes with Odysseus being cursed, followed by a short primer on how to curse one’s enemies, Bronze Age style. POST-STORY COMMENTARY: UNDERSTANDING XENIA 1:03:45 – 1:25:37 The Odyssey’s...

STORY 0:00 – 45:00 The Great Wanderings continue, and disaster follows disaster. First Odysseus squanders opportunity for easy homecoming via King Aeolus’ magical bag of wind. And then Odysseus loses most of his ships and crew, in the Lastrygonian harbor of death. POST-STORY COMMENTARY: THE ODYSSEY AS LITERATURE’S DEFINING QUEST STORY 45:00 – 1:13:00 I...

STORY 0:00 – 56:00 Odysseus’ crew arrive on Circe’s island, where they are transformed into pigs (most likely for behaving like pigs). After rescuing his crew, Odysseus decides to postpone his homecoming a full year, unwilling to resist the pleasures of the Circe’s “gorgeous bed”. POST-STORY COMMENTARY: MARITAL FIDELITY IN THE BRONZE AGE 56:00 –...

STORY 0:00 – 53:00 Odysseus visits the underworld and has some interesting conversations with the dead. His mom warns him about the deteriorating situation in Ithaka; Agamemnon warns him about the fidelity of wives (an Odyssey “recurring theme); and Achilles shares his post-life existential crisis: “was all of my earthly kleos really worth anything?”. POST-STORY...

STORY 0:00 – 58:55 Odysseus listens to the Sirens. I pause to provide a historical review of how Sirens evolved over time, following Homer’s Odyssey. Odysseus then chooses between Charybdis and Scylla, and I pause to relate a seriously twisted “Scylla back-story”. And finally, we witness the incredibly disturbing deaths of all of Odysseus’ remaining...

STORY 0:00 – 54:30 The episode opens in year seven of Odysseus’ long, largely undocumented sojourn on Calypso’s island. Odysseus is longing for home, apparently unmoved by the promise of immortality with a goddess. Up on Mount Olympus: Athena pleads Odysseus’ case, Zeus relents, and Hermes is sent to Calypso’s island with orders that “Odysseus...

STORY 0:00 – 53:15 At the same time as Hermes takes flight to Calypso’ island, in order to rescue Odysseus, Athena takes flight to Ithaka, in order to “rescue” 20-year old Telemachus: from his remarkable immaturity. This episode picks up the story in the twentieth year of Odysseus’ absence, and details the “Ithacan constitutional crisis”...

STORY 0:00 – 53:45 Athena sends Telemachus off on his first ever “road trip” – to Pylos and to Sparta – in the hopes that it might help the milquetoast young man to “grow a pair”. Telemachus meets some familiar characters from Iliad: windy old king Nestor, blustery Menelaus, and the “enigmatic-as-ever” Helen of Troy...

STORY 0:00 – 1:04:45 At the same time as Athena is in Ithaka – “mentoring” Telemachus – Odysseus washes ashore the land of the Phaeacians: badly beat up, half-starved, and totally naked. And his only hope of receiving the xenia that he needs, is to somehow find a way to supplicate a feisty young teenage...

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