On Human Rights

On Human Rights

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Podcast by The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Artificial intelligence is everywhere these days. Most of us do not reflect much about what it does. Nevertheless, it is a part of our lives. We do get a lot of help from AI systems and the benefits are many. AI is fast, accurate, has a low cost and works around the clock. Artificial intelligence is a part of our infrastructure and helps with a vast number of things such as administration of justice (it assists in court with bail or pre-trial detention, sentencing), law enforcement (‘predictive policing’), healthcare (health risk, prevention, cures, cutting-edge research), and education (admissions to schools and universities, personalised education, feedback and engagement). It assists social security and social welfare (detecting fraud, checking entitlements and criteria for qualification), environment (systems for agriculture, irrigation, climate change challenges) and smart cities (waste management, mobility, traffic, air and water quality, safety and security of public places). (Sue Anne TEO, PhD Fellow, Center for Comparative European and Comparative Legal, Studies (CECS), Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen.) “As a sociotechnical system, AI is embedded within society. Values and worldviews are baked into the design and development of emerging technologies. In turn, these values are reflected in technological tools that we use. There are consequences for society, such as discrimination”, says Sue Anne Teo, who looks into the challenges posed by AI systems to the foundations of human rights. She undertakes her research using a meta-theoretical framework, looking at threats to human rights foundations from conceptual, contextual (social and material existence conditions) and normative aspects. AI can have negative implications on human rights and concerns should be acknowledged. In this podcast, we talk to Sue Anne Teo about what AI is, how we usually define AI and what the benefits of AI are. We also talk about ethical challenges vis-à-vis AI and human rights. Sue Anne Teo highlights the importance of ethics, the prevention of AI-caused negative impacts on human rights, and explores actions policymakers and legislators are taking.

The right to housing is a human right that is critical to a person’s health, dignity, safety, inclusion and contribution to their community. According to the UN Special Rapporteur, courts must protect both negative and positive housing rights guaranteed by these international instruments. In this podcast you will access insight from the global director of the Shift, Leilani Farha, a UN Special Rapporteur on the right to housing.

In our latest episode of “On Human Rights” we spoke with Virginia Dignum, a professor in social and ethical AI at Umeå University in Sweden. We discussed the burgeoning field of artificial intelligence and its connection with human rights. In this interview, we cover a range of topics relevant to AI and human rights, from AI itself, misconceptions, and current developments. We discussed areas of interest where AI is affecting human rights, as well as potential problems and friction that may emerge as AI becomes ever-more relevant to the ways our society functions. Professor Dignum is the Wallenberg Chair on Responsible Artificial Intelligence a Scientific Director of WASP-HS (Humanities and Society). Her research is focused on the overlap between people, organizations, and technology. She is also associated with the faculty of Technology Policy and Management at Delft University of Technology.

When the Taliban took over Afghanistan in 1996, Farima Nawabi was a high school student. Suddenly, she was asked to stay home for five years. Her house turned into a prison for her sisters and her. “The prison of our dreams, goals and hopes for a free and independent life. Our only crime was being women in Afghanistan.” Under the Taliban rule, Farima was not allowed to school. Her life felt like a living hell. “I was mentally exhausted and hopeless for five years in a row. The shock of losing my education was brutal. I could no longer see the future I had imagined for myself. Even many years later I felt the effects of the Taliban school ban on my life.” On 23 March Taliban’s again put a ban on girls’ education in Afghanistan. Listen to this podcast with Farima Nawabi, a former diplomat who worked at the Afghan Embassy in Stockholm until the Taliban takeover. She is currently holding an Afghan Fellowship from Sida as is based at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute in Lund during 2022. Her research focus is women’s rights in Afghanistan. Stay tuned for more podcasts with Farima!

Anchinesh Shiferaw spent some time at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute's head office in Lund as a visiting scholar. In this wide-ranging interview, we cover everything from her academic journey to her exciting research in the area of women's land rights in Ethiopia.

A recording of April 26 webinar, the first session of RWI webinar series on The Forthcoming EU’s Directive On Human Rights Due Diligence. This event focused on Where does it come from? What may it lead to? What are the limits of due diligence as a tool to protect human rights in global supply chain? Enjoy listening! More info on our website.

Webcast; listen to the webinar on Poverty, Human Rights and the SDGs - How to Address Post-Pandemic Poverty

Campaining Against Racism in Sweden: Interview with Isatou Aysha Jones by The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Sweden is usually not the first country that comes to mind when one thinks of racism or racial discrimination. Yet, as in the United States and many European countries, it has been part of its history and it is still an issue today. We sat down with Paul Lappalainen, American lawyer and member of the European Network of experts in gender equality and non-discrimination to discuss the Swedish legal framework and how it could be used by anti-discrimination organisations and civil society to become an effective drive for change.

We sat down with Petra Tötterman Andorff, the Secretary General of the Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation, to discuss the United Nations 1325 Resolution on Women, Peace & Security. This landmark resolution was adopted in 2000 and drew three main objectives: - To ensure women participation in peace agreement processes - The protection of women and girls against conflict related sexual violence - The integration of gender perspectives into peace agreements. Twenty-one years later, we discussed its achievements but also the challenges faced today. As the Secretary General of the organisation, Petra also offered us an overview of the role of the Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation in its implementation. Why peace agreements tend to be more sustainable when women are involved in their adoption? Why women still tend to be excluded from the signatories? How to ensure a better implementation of the 1325 Resolution? These are questions we are discussing in this podcast. Enjoy! Credits for the music : ...

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