On The Page

On The Page

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ON THE PAGE: Join professional script consultant Pilar Alessandra as she demystifies screenwriting and answers your questions about script craft and story.

William Indick, author of “Psychology for Screenwriters,” discusses why screenwriters must understand human behavior to make their stories come alive.

Author Jess King talks about their new game-changing screenwriting book,Inclusive Screenwriting for Film and Television,which examines and challenges conventional notions of characterization, world building and three act structure.

Keith Giglio and Juliet Aires Giglio share the knowledge of screenwriting and Christmas movies that inspired their new book, “The Summer of Christmas."

Pilar’s oldest child Ezra Dodson walks us through the structure and character rules of Dungeons and Dragons, emphasizing the ways in which it can work as a writing and brainstorming tool for non-D&D storytelling.

After years of assisting and learning on the job, Naomi Brodkin is a working writer with an episode ofLittle Americacoming out soon. She discusses what she’s learned from being on set and in the writers’ room and how her hard work led to the good luck of being involved in the Academy Award winning movieCoda.

Writer Jared Pascoe shares the personal experiences and desire for story that led to his co-founding thePre-Rainbow Pages aimed at bringing visibility to non-writers guild LGBTQIA+ writers.

Phil Rosenthal, the creator ofEverybody Loves Raymond,Somebody Feed Philand the new podcastNaked Lunch, talks about the ways that specificity contributes to great storytelling.

Writer Gigi Rios New discusses writing for The Garcias on HBO Max and for the need for Latin-driven content in TV and film.

Writer / director Chris Derrick discusses writing forStar Trek: Picardand how it’s taught him to write to the emotional arc first and bring the cool stuff in later.

What takes eight years, sixty-seven writers, thirty-six directors and one actual apocalypse? Hear how filmmaker Chris Jones produced the crowd-created feature film,The Impact, connecting 50 short films into one narrative.

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