The restrictions put in place and the resulting social isolation from the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on children’s mental and behavioral health. Joining me today to take a look at Children’s Mental Health during the Pandemic is Dr. Mamilda Robinson. Dr. Robinson is a specialty director and clinical instructor of psychiatric-mental health at […]
With the nation focused on the delivery of a COVID vaccine, the CDC wants to ensure that older individuals are protected against other prevalent yet preventable diseases that can lead to severe health complications and even hospitalization. Vaccine demand declined an average of more than 60 percent across adult vaccines during the height of pandemic. […]
The Carter Center announced this week that the number of Guinea worm disease cases dropped by 50% in 2020 compared to 2019. This includes a dramatic decrease in cases in the country of Chad. What’s more, this happened despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is all great news and the parasitic disease seems […]
As the country tries to open up during this pandemic, a variety of methods are being employed to keep people safe. Dogs are slated to be used at Miami Heat games to screen people for COVID, similar to how dogs have been used to smell out explosives or drugs. How effective is this method and […]
In this podcast, I briefly go over 20 mosquito-borne diseases. In this not all inclusive list, I discuss a range of diseases to include malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever and more of the most common diseases, but also emerging pathogens that are transmitted by the mosquito vector like Mayaro and Madariaga viruses. Aedes aegypti […]
While the world’s focus has been on COVID-19, sometimes it seems like nothing else is happening in infectious diseases. But that is far from the reality. In recent years, we’ve seen Nigeria report large numbers of Lassa fever, we continue to see plague outbreaks from Africa to Asia and monkeypox cases have risen in recent […]
Florida has reported about 1.6 million total COVID-19 cases, including more than 24,000 deaths. We’ve known for some time that some of the most vulnerable people are those aged 65 years and older and since Florida has the second-highest proportion of retirement-age residents in the nation this makes getting the COVID-19 vaccine available an imperative. […]
By Robert Herriman @bactiman63 Researchers from the University of Florida in a new study report the mosquito, Aedes scapularis is now established in mainland Florida in Broward and Miami-Dade counties. How did it arrive in the US? And What is the public health significance of this finding? Joining me today to answer these questions and […]
In late 2018 into early 2019, an outbreak of a form of hantavirus called Andes virus, swept through a small town in Argentina infecting 34 and killing 11. Researchers led by a team from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) attribute the size of the outbreak to a super spreader event. […]
Last month, a multidisciplinary panel led by the Infectious Diseases Society of America, the American Academy of Neurology, and the American College of Rheumatology published the 2020 Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme Disease in Clinical Infectious Diseases. The authors say it provides recommendations aimed to serve as a meaningful resource for […]