Peace Talks Radio

Peace Talks Radio

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A monthly series on peacemaking and nonviolent conflict resolution. Stories that inform, inspire and improve the human condition.

Every time a group of people line up along the external borders of a country, debates heat up among government leaders with respect to migration and asylum procedures. On this episode of PEACE TALKS RADIO, correspondent Priyanka Shankar explores why migration and asylum are contentious and how a country can make peace with migration and asylum. Focusing on how the European Union has been dealing with migration and asylum, we talk to Petra Molnar, a lawyer and anthropologist, who also gives the gist of how European countries have been handling the migration crisis induced by the war in Ukraine. Other guests are Bram Frouws, the head of the research platform Mixed Migration Centre (MMC) in Geneva. and .Vasco Malta, the head of the UN’s migration agency in Portugal, to understand how Portugal getting better marks on their immigration systems from human rights watchdogs.

On this PEACE TALKS RADIO episode, correspondent Sen Zhan explores three perspectives on the nature of intercultural conflict in transcultural Asian immigrants in western countries. When East meets West in the modern-day, it’s not only cultures that can clash, it’s also the past crashing into the present. Asians who have been formed by both cultures know this very well, and are one group among many who navigate the conflicts of transcultural existence. We’ll hear from Chinese-Canadian psychiatrist, Dr. Julian Xue, Chinese-American author Iris Chen, and Chinese-Canadian trauma recovery coach Sherry Yuan Hunter.

On this edition of PEACE TALKS RADIO, we’ll dive into a deeper understanding of some terms we’re all now much more familiar with terms like misinformation, disinformation, and even “fake news”, then we’ll look at ways to block their negative impacts -sometimes deadly impact - in some parts of the world. Correspondent Danielle Preiss and her guests will help us learn that humans have been using what’s been called more recently “fake news” to win conflicts since we’ve been able to communicate – over whatever platform has been available at the time. By understanding how we are primed as a species to use and experience false information, we can check our impulses and use the tools available to us to stop its influence.

Perhaps, you’ve heard of “Pacifism” but have you heard of “Anarcho Pacifism.” What’s the difference between the two? On this edition of Peace Talks Radio, we’ll talk with a sociology professor and an activist/scholar who help us understand Anarcho Pacifists. They explain that Anarcho Pacifists hold that anarchism is a philosophy of non-violence, because it opposes all domination and power. This includes the strongest form of domination: violence upon another person. We hear that Anarcho Pacifists have often been in the front of efforts at peaceful, non-violent resistance for social change.

This time on PEACE TALKS RADIO, we talk with three guests about “Cities of Asylum” – also known as “Cities of Refuge” -- communities that put out the welcome mat for writers, artists, journalists, and human rights defenders whose work puts them at risk in their home countries.

It's a compendium of highlights from just one season in the long-running award-winning PEACE TALKS RADIO series. You'll hear clips from our series about "Healing a Country's Wounds", as well as from our programs, "Storytelling Solutions for Systemic Conflicts", "Musician/Activists", "Cities of Peace", "Confronting Suicide", and more.

PEACE TALKS RADIO host Paul Ingles postulates that advertising of all kinds crowds our brains with messages that may not help us to inner peace or peace among us. Many of us just let TV, radio and online ads wash over us in our homes, cars and through our devices. We talk with three media educators who think teaching young people and adults to critically analyze ad messages may help us build some immunity to the persuasive power the ads ply to our minds, and to our attitudes about ourselves or each other. We'll ask our guests, media literacy advocates and teachers, about it. And while the idea of teaching media literacy in schools has been kicked around for about 25 years, to promote critical analysis by students of advertising and other mediated messages, the movement hasn't really taken off.

On this edition, PEACE TALKS RADIO continues its series on Healing a Country’s Wounds by talking about the strategy of Community Building.

On this edition of Peace Talks Radio, we speak with an author who dives into the efforts of “committed citizens” trying to change the world. Also, a visit with Marianna King, author of “The Crisis of School Violence: A New Perspective”.

On this edition of Peace Talks Radio, we’ll continue our series on Healing a Country’s Wounds by talking about the strategy of Public Dialogues.

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