Roxi & Starr walk the expo to see what kind of trouble they can find.
Join us in a chat about preparedness.
Join Roxi n' Starr as they delve more into the semantics of getting home. Don't forget the antics and adventures in the barnyard. A fun and laid-back look into preparedness from two completely different perspectives. We will talk about some thoughts on medicine. Learn about Jase Medical today Books recommeneded : Where there is no Doctor - Where there is no Dentist - Survival Medicine Handbook - Receipe for Golden Milk: 1 C. Milk (cow, goat, nut, oat, coconut). 1/2 t. Tumerick Dash Pepper Splash of Vanilla Honey to taste (raw) Warm for a nice soothing drink. Great antiflamitory.
Join Roxi n' Starr as they delve more into the semantics of getting home. Don't forget the antics and adventures in the barnyard. A fun and laid back look into preparedness from two completely different perspectives
Today, we'll talk about some background and our friends. Grab a little insight, talk about what is to come and the differences between prepping and homesteading. Stay tuned for so much more in this show
Please find us on the web We are uploading the archives daily and all episodes will be found there.
The New Preppers Podcast Pilot Show. An introduction to the upcoming shows.