Racer's Edge Podcast

Racer's Edge Podcast

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24 聲音
Racer’s Edge Podcast hosts personal interviews with the barrel racing industry’s leading trainers, competitors and industry influentials to better understand where they came from and highlight their unique and individual journeys to success. Barrel racing is filled with peaks, valleys, and most importantly moments. The Racer’s Edge crew dedicates their energy and efforts to share these moments with our audience on our growing digital platforms. The new season of Racer’s Edge will premiere in January of 2019 on Ride TV and Ride TV Go. Stay connected and follow Racer’s Edge on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and always remember to check out racersedge.blog for each episode’s show notes!

Episode 24 is completely unique and unlike any other we have had on the Racer’s Edge Podcast! Debbie Frapp has over 10,000 hours of professional experience as a business coach and is the creator and cohost of the Matters of Influence Podcast. She is certified and a member of the International Coach Federation and is a Certified Personal & Executive Coach in Positive Psychology. We visited on techniques to control our emotions and thoughts to sharpen our mental game in and out of the arena! She had a wealth of knowledge and we loved having her on and we know this won’t be the last!

The second episode in our latest coaching series features one of our favorites, renowned trainer and clinician, Dena Kirkpatrick! We broke down step for step the fundamentals that need to be in place before starting colts on the pattern. This episode is packed with great information and takeaways you can apply right away in your training program! Thanks to our sponsors XpertEquine and Cashel Company for their support for this episode. As always you can find the show notes on www.racersedge.blog.

Happy New Year! We can’t believe we are almost a month in- time is flying. We were glad to get back to recording and were happy to have our first guest, Sarah Van Vuren, come visit us. This episode is the first of new coaching series that we are bringing to the new season of the podcast. Sarah is a barrel racer and certified personal trainer who focuses on specifically training barrel racers online. She gave us some great tangible advice on at home workouts, goal setting, and nutrition on the road! Be sure to check her out on Instagram at @barrelracerfit! Shownotes: www.racersedge.blog Sponsor: Classic Equine

If you were following the end of the crazy 2020 WPRA season, Ryann Pedone was a name that came up often. Ryann was the Cinderella story of September hangin out in the 16th and 17th position for weeks until the very last day of the season at the Tour Finale in Rapid City, SD punching her ticket to her first NFR berth! Ryann's road to the NFR began long before the rollercoaster ride of 2020 and unfortunately the roller coaster ride didn't stop after the end of the end of the season. Ryann's story is one of try and triumph and we were excited to have the opportunity to tell it!

Since the inaugural event, the Pink Buckle Events made shockwaves throughout the barrel racing industry. From the Pink Buckle came the creation of the Ruby Buckle, a similar program with regional events. We were thrilled when co-founders Chad Beus and Lance Robinson took time out of their busy day setting up the Ruby Buckle race for this conversation we found exciting and entertaining. Show Notes Partner: Classic Equine

In this episode we finally get to sit down with NRCHA Hall of Famer Ron Ralls and his world champion wife, Patty. Their roots are in the reined cowhorse discipline, but in recent years have made a shift to the barrel industry producing some of the most sought after clinics and caring for and training some of the industry's titans. Enjoy! For this episode's shownotes visit https://racersedge.blog/shownotes. Partner: Classic Equine

This is Part 2 of our series with legendary trainers Dena Kirkpatrick and Lindy Burch. Though they come from different arenas, both ladies share many of the same philosophies. Part 2 consists on each trainer's version of the explanation of "feel", and recounting stories on their once in a lifetime horses with stories you are only going to find here. We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did! Show notes- www.racersedge.blog Partners: Classic Equine, Martin Saddlery

This episode was an honor to produce this two part series with legendary trainers Lindy Burch and Dena Kirkpatrick. Though they come from different arenas, both ladies share many of the same philosophies in not only training horses but also in life. This was an amazing conversation that lasted 3+ hours of talking about training methods, horsemanship, philosophies, and just good horse stories. Show Notes- www.racersedge.blog Partners: Classic Equine, Martin Saddlery

This episode is different from all our previous as we weren’t visiting with a barrel racing professional, but rather a horse loving scientist from Silicon Valley, Christa Layfayette of Etalon Diagnostics. Etalon offers affordable horse DNA genetic panels to horse owners. Their DNA panels include 55+ genetic tests including coat color and patterns, health and disease risks, and abilities and performance genetics. Use code REVIP20 for $20 the Etalon DNA panels at www.etalondiagnostics.com. Show notes- www.racersedge.blog

We were really excited when we were able to get Dona Kay Rule and Phil Haugen together for episode fifteen. Both from Oklahoma, these two equine professionals have been longtime friends and both have had a hand in the journey of a very special horse named High Valor. This story is a great one and we appreciated having a hand in telling it! Check out the show notes at www.racersedge.blog.

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