Revenge of the Birds: for Arizona Cardinals fans

Revenge of the Birds: for Arizona Cardinals fans

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The official home for audio programming from Revenge of the Birds, SB Nation's community for fans of the Arizona Cardinals.

CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE SB NATION NFL SHOW: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts Subscribe on Spotify The SB Nation NFL Show brings together the greatest fan-alysts from across SB Nation's NFL team communities in one place for the first time ever. Expect deep analysis, irreverent jokes, and plenty of bickering between rivals. It's a show for NFL fans, by NFL fans. Monday - Monday Football Monday (RJ Ochoa, Pete Sweeney) Tuesday - Off Day Debrief (Brandon Lee Gowton, Rob "Stats" Guerrera) Wednesday - NFL University (Kyle Posey, Stephen Serda, Justis Mosqueda) Thursday - The Look Ahead (RJ Ochoa, Rob "Stats" Guerrera) Friday - NFL Reacts (Stephen Serda, Justis Mosqueda, Kate Magdziuk) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Blake talks with @DP_NFL about the 2022 Cardinals draft class and expectations for the season. This show is dedicated to the memory of Cardinals CB Jeff Gladney Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

@blakemurphy7 breaks down OTA's, the Williams impact on the running back room, Tight End Expectations and answers some fan questions. What can RB Darrel Williams' role tell us about Eno Benjamin and Jonathan Ward? What are "realistic" expectations for the offense without Hopkins...and for Trey McBride's part in it? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Arizona Cardinals earn some respect...and a difficult start to the '22 season. Can they float the boat enough without Hopkins against some tough NFC and AFC opponents? And what might be a prediction as to their final record? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

@blakemurphy7 talks the Hollywood Brown trade and the impact it'll have on the Cardinals offense. Also who are some names to project for the Cards on Day 2 of the draft? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Kyler Murray breaks his silence on his desire to remain in Arizona and @blakemurphy7 drops his first of 2 mock drafts. What might have led to Murray's change of heart before the draft? And what does this mean moving forward? Plus, a fresh look at how the first round might play the Cardinals take a receiver at pick 23 or is there another more important spot? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE SB NATION NFL SHOW: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts Subscribe on Spotify The SB Nation NFL Show brings together the greatest fan-alysts from across SB Nation's NFL team communities in one place for the first time ever. Expect deep analysis, irreverent jokes, and plenty of bickering between rivals. It's a show for NFL fans, by NFL fans. Monday - Monday Football Monday (RJ Ochoa, Pete Sweeney) Tuesday - Off Day Debrief (Brandon Lee Gowton, Rob "Stats" Guerrera) Wednesday - NFL University (Kyle Posey, Stephen Serda, Justis Mosqueda) Thursday - The Look Ahead (RJ Ochoa, Rob "Stats" Guerrera) Friday - NFL Reacts (Stephen Serda, Justis Mosqueda, Kate Magdziuk) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

@akwong31 joins Blake Murphy for a 7 round mock draft evaluation for the Arizona Cardinals. Will they find a WR2 for Kyler Murray? Are there players or opportunities to trade up or back? And who are some Day 3 prospects that the team might find that can make an impact? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Blake & Kent Hodder talk Kyler Murray's contract, what might be the reasons behind Keim & Bidwill's lack of an offseason so far and how some of the big trades have affected the NFL -Should Murray be paid this year? -Why might his camp be responding, and will more come of it? -Will Deshaun's deal affect Kyler's, and how much? -How the Dolphins, Panthers and other teams looking to make moves will affect the league Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

In this episode, @thedraftsmanFB, EJ Snyder, joins Blake & Kent to discuss the wide receiver class, another perspective on Kyler Murray's contract situation, and how the Cardinals can go about with their team build coming off a playoff appearance. Should they build around Murray and add a receiver, or will replacing Chandler Jones & stopping the run with one of the prime defensive prospects take precedent? And where's the overall talent level of this year's quarterback class? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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