Right Brain Music Podcast

Right Brain Music Podcast

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35 聲音
Right Brain Records is a non-profit label that promotes exploration of uncharted musical territories. Our recordings are improvisational soundscapes, excerpts of the vast potential of the human mind. Our Right Brain Music Podcast explores the realm of the musical unknown and artists who pitch their tents there. Come along for the journey...

Balladeste is a hybrid classical due from London that fuses violin and cello prowess, a cross-cultural vision and improvisation into spellbinding original music. In this episode we explore their sounds and sources of their creativity.

François Houle is a master of the clarinet, with a musical range as vast as the Canadian landscape. In this episode we meet François and hear music from his remarkable repertoire that links jazz, classical and free improv.

The trombone is an instrument of mystery and intrigue. We've found some terrific trombone improvisers, and you might be surprised by the depth and breath of their sounds. Featuring Reut Regev, Jeb Bishop. Matthias Muller, Matthias Muche and Dan Blacksberg.

This episode looks at 2021 in the rear view mirror - with highlights from Right Brain Records artists (and there were many). What a long strange trip it's been...

Brad Dutz is a prolific percussionist. A veteran of TV and film music, he's also been composing, performing and collaborating with top-flight jazz and world musicians for decades. And he's far from finished. In this episode of the Right Brain Music Podcast we immerse in Brad's sounds and learn what drives his creativity.

On September 18, 2021, a group of musicians gathered in Seattle for a live performance - the first ever Right Brain Music Minifest. These are their stories. Featuring: Amy Denio; Spontanea (Kenny Mandell, Matt Benham, Carol Levin, Scott Schaffer); and Outlaw Space (Stephen Fandrich, Bill Monteleone, Kirill Polyanskiy). Live music recorded by Stephen Fandrich.

On the Bothnian Bay, right around the 65th parallel, lies the city of Oulu, Finland. This is the home of guitarist Heikki Ruokangas and accordionist Anne-Mari Kanniainen. From this remote location they’ve formed a unique musical bond and a body work that bridges two musical universes.

In this episode of the Right Brain Music Podcast we meet two musical groups that have been prominent in Colorado's dynamic free improv community. They are Electro Manifesto and The Low Mids. Hear their bold new music and their thoughts on what makes the scene tick.

In this epsiode we meet three masters of invention with the acoustic guitar you thought you knew so well. Jim Matus, Joel Veena and Guillaume Gargaud spin improvised magic and sonic joy from their instruments.

In this episode we meet seven of the master musicians that contributed to the Right Brain Records album 'Guitar Improv Summit Vol. 2.' They are Lucas Brode, Bill Boethius, Max Ridgway, Dave Draper, Bill Horist, Matt Benham and Tom Scully. Their innovations help define a new generation of guitar innovation.

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