Road to Resilience

Road to Resilience

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Stories and insights to help you thrive in a challenging world. From fighting burnout and trauma, to building resilient families and communities, we explore what’s possible when science meets the human spirit. Powered by the best experts in the world.

Trisha Meili, better known as the "Central Park Jogger," talks about how focusing on the present moment and returning to running helped her bounce back from a traumatic brain injury.

Transgender activist Mahogany Phillips walked away from a successful career as a male model to focus on her transition. Later, she helped win low-income New Yorkers the right to gender-affirming surgery. In this interview, she talks about bullies, gender dysphoria, and how surgery has helped her feel comfortable and safe in her body.

Grievously injured on Sept. 11, 2001, Lauren Manning became a national symbol of resilience as she fought her way back to health. In this special interview, she talks about how pity and pain fueled her determination to heal.

Environmentalist Karenna Gore goes beyond carbon emissions to the root causes of climate change and talks about how framing the crisis as a moral issue can help us adapt and mitigate its worst effects.

NFL legend Curtis Martin went from a latchkey kid in a violent neighborhood to a Hall of Famer and celebrated philanthropist. His unlikely rise was powered by faith, hard work, and near superhuman discipline. In this interview, he talks about facing his fears, practicing his values, and the life-or-death moment that changed everything.

Road to Resilience producers Jon Earle, Katie Ullman, and Nicci Hudson reflect on episodes from the past year and share the moments that stuck with them the most. What were your favorite resilience moments? Email us at

Oncologist Gabriel Sara, MD, is a maniac about the truth. Whether delivering a tough diagnosis, or sharing his feelings with colleagues, he refuses to sugarcoat. It's a lesson he learned as a medical intern in war-torn Beirut, where the truth was a matter of life and death, and over the years it's become central to his practice. On this episode, Dr. Sara talks about how he uses radical honesty to build trust, empathy, and resilience.

Writer Marisa Bardach Ramel talks about how her mother's cancer strained and strengthened their relationship, and reflects on how the act of writing brought them closer together when it mattered most.

Parenting expert Aliza Pressman, PhD, talks about how to raise resilient kids.

A neuroscientist explains why fear memories are so tenacious and how doctors might someday treat them with surgical precision.

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