Rock Your Bod Pod

Rock Your Bod Pod

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48 聲音
A podcast about the journey towards self love through: body image, health, relationships and food. Self love can be complicated - our goal is to add as many voices to the conversation as possible to bring you actionable steps, help you build confidence and support each other along the way. Let’s talk and learn to rock our bods from the inside out!

We've decided to release our final episode of season 2, and we share our thoughts on what RYB has done for us thus far and where we want to take it from here. We're so incredibly grateful for all of your support and love, and we're excited for what's to come!

This week, we had the absolute pleasure of chatting with Dr. Meghan Walker, Toronto-based naturopathic doctor and host of The Entrepology Podcast. She shares a ton of incredible knowledge about navigating the healthcare system, learning from the "outliers" and taking the power back when it comes to approaching your health.

In this week's solo episode, Stella & Emma were inspired to chat about orthorexia and how the wellness industry can potentially lead people to restrictive eating disguised as "healthy eating".

Stella & Emma sat down with their lovely friend Shannon Grant, Toronto-based mental health advocate and the founder of New View Collective. Her goal is to change the conversation around mental health and promote connection, inclusivity & accessibility, while encouraging others to put energy into doing work that they believe in.

In this super personal and vulnerable episode, Stella shares openly about an experience she had last year that she still feels the emotional trauma from today, which leads into a discussion on how your body reacts to and holds on to trauma.

This week, Stella & Emma had the pleasure of chatting with Jessica Murnane, author of the One Part Plant cookbook, host of the One Part Podcast and founder of Know Your Endo, an endometriosis awareness platform. The work she's doing to educate women around the world is incredibly important and inspiring, and she shared so much knowledge with us around female reproductive health and the power women have in their personal choices.

We're officially announcing the project we've been working on for the past eight months: Stellar Eats baking mix! We discuss why we started this company, what's behind our values and how it's brought up our thoughts over "diet" foods and restrictive eating.

Today's episode is a big one: our FIRST male guest on RYB! Stella & Emma were lucky enough to chat with the incredibly inspiring & hilarious Drake Andrews, founder of the Out and Up podcast. He shares super honestly about his coming out story, body journey & process of breaking out of society's mold.

For this episode, Stella & Emma had the chance to talk to the wonderful London-based clinical psychologist, Dr. Soph. She provides approachable, accessible mental health services online, and spreads a ton of incredible and applicable knowledge through her social media account. We learned so much from here, and we know you will too!

In this episode, Stella & Emma chat with the lovely and highly knowledgeable Ashleigh Norris, Certified Holistic Nutrition Practitioner who graduated from The Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Toronto. Her practice is focused on autoimmune disease, hormonal health challenges, and thyroid disease, all of which we chat through in this episode.

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