Running to Win - 25 Minute Edition

Running to Win - 25 Minute Edition

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143 聲音
Running the race of life is hard. But with the Bible front and center and a heart to encourage, trusted pastor, Dr. Erwin Lutzer takes you on a journey into the Word to help you make it across the finish line.

We are usually most comfortable with those who are like us or belong to us. But Peter’s journey of faith began when Jesus told him—a fisherman—how to fish. In this message, we learn the power and the command to witness in our offices, our homes, and our communities. If Jesus can draw fish into a net, He can save those even outside our comfort zones! This month’s special offer is available for a donation of any amount. Get yours atrtwoffer.comor call us at 1-888-217-9337.

About 90% of all Christians have never led anyone to saving faith in Jesus Christ. We use excuses like “It’s the wrong time” or “This is the wrong place.” In this message, we hear Jesus’ call to Peter to “fish” for people. You never know whose hearts have been prepared by God. Isn’t it time we trusted God beyond our own experience? This month’s special offer is available for a donation of any amount. Get yours atrtwoffer.comor call us at 1-888-217-9337.

With all our defenses up, it is impossible to see ourselves the way God does. Jesus called Peter from life as a fisherman to a new life—and a new name. In this message, we listen for the new name Christ gives us. No longer are we called Anxiety, Rejection or Fear. When Christ calls someone, there’s a great exchange. This month’s special offer is available for a donation of any amount. Get yours atrtwoffer.comor call us at 1-888-217-9337.

Can human beings really change, deep down in their core? Society has many suggestions but no real answers. In this new series on Peter’s life, we find three truths we need to know about a life changed forever. Just as Jesus gave Peter a new name, He is the only one who truly knows us and what we need. This month’s special offer is available for a donation of any amount. Get yours atrtwoffer.comor call us at 1-888-217-9337.

What does God do when times get tough? As darkness moves in, God brings us together to reflect His light. In this message, we tour Peter’s five propositions for suffering churches: purity, unity, humility, reality, and eternity. Imagine what God can do when local churches are stronger together. This month’s special offer is available for a donation of any amount. Get yours atrtwoffer.comor call us at 1-888-217-9337.

Those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it. That’s why understanding Nazi tyranny can guide the church’s witness today. In this message on 1 Peter 4, we study five propositions that we learn from faithful churches, both in the first century and in Hitler’s Germany. When freedom of religion is being compromised, we must be prepared. This month’s special offer is available for a donation of any amount. Get yours atrtwoffer.comor call us at 1-888-217-9337.

We all want to be in control of our life and our future. Yet Dietrich Bonhoeffer gave his life for his allegiance to Christ rather than the swastika. Before his physical execution was ordered, he died to himself. In this message on the Hebrews 11 martyrs, we ponder how to die to ourselves. It starts today. This month’s special offer is available for a donation of any amount. Get yours atrtwoffer.comor call us at 1-888-217-9337.

Will we die well? Sometimes in God’s will, a believer’s life is cut short. Dietrich Bonhoeffer paid the supreme price for allegiance to the cross of Christ rather than the broken cross of the Nazis. In this message, we walk through the five deaths of a disciple from Bonhoeffer’s insights on Matthew 5. The way we live for the Lord today matters. This month’s special offer is available for a donation of any amount. Get yours atrtwoffer.comor call us at 1-888-217-9337.

Would we choose to suffer if we knew it was worth it? Some modern-day martyrs decided to make the ultimate sacrifice during the oppression in Nazi Germany. In this message, we examine five characteristics of Christ for the suffering church in Smyrna with applications to the 1940’s and today. No suffering, especially in Christ, is ever meaningless. This month’s special offer is available for a donation of any amount. Get yours atrtwoffer.comor call us at 1-888-217-9337.

What might have happened if all the pastors and their congregations in Germany stood up to Hitler? Some did, like Dietrich Bonhoeffer. In this message, we mark the characteristics of martyrs who gave their lives for the Gospel both in Scripture and in the 1940’s. Many gave their lives rather than bow the knee. This month’s special offer is available for a donation of any amount. Get yours atwww.rtwoffer.comor call us at 1-888-217-9337.

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