Sacred Meditations

Sacred Meditations

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30 聲音
Listen to prayers throughout the Church Year. Find prayers to fit various occasions. Ponder your deep need for life with the God who loves you, and meditate on the work of His Son Jesus the Christ who bled, died, and rose again to restore you to life–and peace–with God.

Since God knows our needs as well as our weaknesses, we ask Him to have compassion on us and give us those things for which we are unworthy to ask. Collect for Proper 11 (the Sunday closest to July 20), from The Book of Common Prayer.

We pray that our gracious Lord would grant us to know what things to do and, by His grace, have the ability to accomplish them. Collect for Proper 10 (the Sunday closest to July 13), from The Book of Common Prayer.

God has built His Church on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone. We pray that we may be joined together by their teaching. Collect for Proper 8 (the Sunday closest to June 29), from The Book of Common Prayer.

In keeping with the Second Commandment and because of His lovingkindness, we pray that our Lord and Savior would grant us a perpetual love and reverence of His holy name. Collect for Proper 7 (the Sunday closest to June 22), from The Book of Common Prayer.

By God’s grace we acknowledge that He is the Holy Trinity–Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We pray that He would keep us steadfast in this one true faith and worship. First Sunday after Pentecost: Trinity Sunday, from The Book of Common Prayer.

On the Day of Pentecost God opened the way of eternal life to every race and nation by sending the promised gift of His Holy Spirit. Today we pray that, by the same Holy Spirit, the preaching of the Gospel may go out to the ends of the earth. The …

God, the King of glory, has exalted His Son Jesus Christ to His heavenly kingdom. We pray that He would not leave us without comfort, but send His Holy Spirit to strengthen us. Seventh Sunday of Easter, from The Book of Common Prayer.

Our Savior Jesus Christ ascended far above all heavens that He may fill all things. We pray that we may trust His promise that He still abides with His Church on earth. Ascension Day (first option), from The Book of Common Prayer.

God has prepared such good things that surpass our understanding, and so we pray that He may pour into our hearts such love towards Him that we may love Him and obtain His promises. Sixth Sunday of Easter, from The Book of Common Prayer.

Since knowing the true God is everlasting life, we pray that we may perfectly know Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to be the way, the truth, and the life, and thus follow His steps in the way that leads to everlasting life. Fifth Sunday of Easter, from The Book …

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