Saturday Morning

Saturday Morning

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A magazine programme hosted by Kim Hill, with long-form, in-depth feature interviews on current affairs, science, modern life, history, the arts and more.

Kim reads out listener feedback from the show. You can get in touch by email or txt 2101.

The beetle larvae known as Zophobas morio - more commonly called superworms - have been found to be able to survive on a diet of polystyrene, a discovery which could help change the recycling industry.

In 1982, young filmmaker Robert B. Weide wrote a letter to his literary idol Kurt Vonnegut, proposing a documentary on the author's life and work. Vonnegut, who was 60 at the time, met Weide, and authorised the production. An optimistic Weide thought he could raise the money and complete the film within a year.

Celebrated saxophonist Lucien Johnson has poetry in the blood. He is the son of late poet Louis Johnson and first met his father's friend and fellow poet Peter Bland as a child. . For the upcoming Classical on Cuba festival, Johnson has set three love poems by Bland to music for The New Cuba Street Suite, which will be premiering at City Gallery Wellington on 23 July.

Lea Ypi grew up in Albania, once one of the most isolated countries on Earth and the last Stalinist outpost in Europe. But after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1990, everything changed.

Las Vegas show-maker Brian Burke has a reputation for creating incredible large-scale stage productions. Now Burke is bringing his magic to our very own World of WearableArt, having signed on as the show's creative director for the next three years.

Sri Lankan president Gotabaya Rajapaksa has resigned, abruptly departing the country this week after his presidential palace was stormed by thousands of protesters.

The most transmissible variant yet of the coronavirus is threatening a fresh wave of infections in New Zealand. The subvariant of Omicron known as BA.5 is reported as now dominant in the United States, and is likely to make up the majority of community cases here within a couple of weeks.

Kim reads listeners' feedback

Floris Niu is an organic cacao grower and chocolate producer in Samoa. She grew up in New Zealand, but after a series of illnesses left her corporate life for native Upolu, where her family have farmed cacao for four generations.

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