Suzanne Banwart and Stephanie Wilson share strategies for supporting their school communities during lunch. I would like to thank composer Nazar Rybak at forthe music you’ve heard today. Capstone *use UNITED for $20 off $100 or more on print and ebooks Courageous Kids: Graphic Nonfiction Editable PD Certificate FAQ’s and ISO (In search of…) Online Doctoral Programs SLU Playlists APA format for citing a podcast/podcast episode Suzanne Banwart Twitter: @BanwartSuzanne IG: AHS.LMC Stephanie Wilson Twitter: @marinerlibrary IG: MHSMarinerLibrary Sign-in tutorial Sign-out sheet Sample weekly schedule Canva flyer
Diana Rendina shares strategies for supporting ALL learners in our spaces and how to ensure our Makerspaces appeal to every student. I would like to thank composer Nazar Rybak at forthe music you’ve heard today. Capstone *use UNITED for $20 off $100 or more on print and ebooks Fall 2022 Preview Editable PD Certificate FAQ’s and ISO (In search of…) Online Doctoral Programs SLU Playlists #LibraryTwitter (add your own handles and #s) Diana Rendina @DianaLRendina IG: TPrepLibrary Library webpage Blog: School Life Brag Tags Great Good Place by Ray Oldenburg (book on the concept of public third places/spaces) From Campfire to Holodeck: Creating Engaging and Powerful 21st Century Learning Environments by David Thornburg How to Start a Makerspace When You’re Broke (Knowledge Quest)
Many, many thanks to all the ISTE22 attendees who shared their voices to make this episode. Plus a bonus rant! I would like to thank composer Nazar Rybak at forthe music you’ve heard today. Capstone *use UNITED for $20 off $100 or more on print and ebooks Editable PD Certificate FAQ’s and ISO (In search of…) Online Doctoral Programs SLU Playlists Crowdsourcing: #LibraryTwitter Amanda Jone’s ISTE22 Presentations ISTE22 Librarian Resources Future Ready Librarians Summit JoyAnn Boudreau @MrsBoudreau E40 Advocating for LGBTQ+ and ALL Students E153 DEI and Collection Development
Kelly Hincks shares strategies and inspirations for creating more meaningful collaboration with teachers every day. I would like to thank composer Nazar Rybak at forthe music you’ve heard today. Capstone *use UNITED for $20 off $100 or more on print and ebooks Emma Every Day Editable PD Certificate FAQ’s and ISO (In search of…) Online Doctoral Programs SLU Playlists ISTE22 resources for/by school librarians! Episode 7 Collaboration: One Size DOES NOT Fit All Kelly Hincks Twitter: @KellyHincks1 Episode 53 Coding and Collaboration Episode 116 #OwnVoices and MISelf KQ (3/31/2022) 4 Levels of Collaboration KQ (5/19/2021) My Favorite Collaborative Lesson: Flags in First Grade KQ (5/1/2018) Order Up: A Monthly Menu for Collaboration Apply to be Knowledge Quest Blogger Additional Resources mentioned in the episode
Deb Zeman shares strategies and tricks of the trade to make sure you are working smarter - not harder! I would like to thank composer Nazar Rybak at forthe music you’ve heard today. Capstone *use UNITED for $20 off $100 or more on print and ebooks Riley Reynolds Editable PD Certificate FAQ’s and ISO (In search of…) Online Doctoral Programs SLU Playlists Instagram & Twitter: @debzemanlms E42 Challenged and Banned Books E163 Round 3: Can I Just Vent?!?! How to Find the Time: Time Management Strategies for School Librarians with Amanda Jones and Ashley Sherman (Presentation) (webinar) Amanda Jones: E83 Role as Curator Creating a Legendary Library with Kristina Holzweiss and Deb Zeman (Webinar) (Wakelet resources) Amy: Tutorial: Toolbar Folders & Emojis
Lauren Mobley shares her struggles and strategies and her wins during her 1st year in her library. I would like to thank composer Nazar Rybak at forthe music you’ve heard today. Capstone *use UNITED for $20 off $100 or more on print and ebooks Booklists: School Stories Editable PD Certificate FAQ’s and ISO (In search of…) Online Doctoral Programs SLU Playlists E173 Reviving Our Libraries Twitter/Instagram @mobleyinthemix Instagram @ncms.mediacenter North Clayton Middle School Media Center Website University of West Georgia School Library Media Program Bitmoji Bookmark Canva Template Teacher Reading Posters Canva Template You need a pass meme Lagniappe Librarian’s What is the Librarian doing? (Canva infographic)
Teacher Librarians in Australia, Lori Korodaj and Holly Godfree showcase their unique school library, advocacy efforts and comprehensive programming! I would like to thank composer Nazar Rybak at forthe music you’ve heard today. Capstone *use UNITED for $20 off $100 or more on print and ebooks Sports GOATS (4) 2022 Editable PD Certificate FAQ’s and ISO (In search of…) Online Doctoral Programs SLU Playlists National Reconciliation Week National Reconciliation Day Childrens Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Lake Tuggeranong College Library Lori Korodaj: Lori’s E-Musings Holly Godfree: Twitter: @HollysLibrary Students Need School Libraries @NeedSchoolLibs Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)
Author and Illustrator Daniel Miller offers expert advice to ensure you make the most of your next visit! I would like to thank composer Nazar Rybak at forthe music you’ve heard today. Capstone *use UNITED for $20 off $100 or more on print and ebooks Reasons to Let Children Choose Their Own Books Editable PD Certificate FAQ’s and ISO (In search of…) Online Doctoral Programs Can I just vent??? Form SLU Playlists Daniel Jude Miller Books
Faith Huff offers both a critique and solutions for a more accurate assessment of school librarians and our value to our schools. I would like to thank composer Nazar Rybak at forthe music you’ve heard today. Capstone *use UNITED for $20 off $100 or more on print and ebooks Correlations: National and state standards Libraries. Today National Forum (FREE virtual conference!) Editable PD Certificate FAQ’s and ISO (In search of…) Online Doctoral Programs Can I just vent??? Form SLU Playlists E48 The Future of Our Biography Sections E109 Collaborating With Public Librarians E160 Round 2: Can I Just Vent?!?!? Laura Bush Foundations for America’s Libraries Faith Huff Twitter/TikTok/: @teachinaTARDIS E124 Redefining Our Roles (April 2021) E160 Round 2: Can I Just Vent?!?! (Feb 2022) Wakelet: Resources for showcasing yourself and your program
Amanda McCoy shares how to engage and entertain your listeners and make storytime both educational and memorable! I would like to thank composer Nazar Rybak at forthe music you’ve heard today. Capstone *use UNITED for $20 off $100 or more on print and ebooks Capstone’s 5 Kinds of Nonfiction E158 Nonfiction Advocate Editable PD Certificate FAQ’s and ISO (In search of…) Online Doctoral Programs Can I just vent??? Form SLU Playlists E18 Give Them What They Want E152 UDL, Accessibility and Advocacy for Students Amanda McCoy Gmail: Twitter: @illinimccoy Website YouTube: Ahoy, Mrs. McCoy! Jbrary Storytime Katie King County Library System New York Times “What is going on in this picture?” Signing Savvy Global Mural Project Yuyi Morales: Just a minute