Sound On

Sound On

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Bloomberg Washington Correspondent Joe Mathieu delivers insight and analysis on the latest headlines from the White House and Capitol Hill, including conversations with influential lawmakers and key figures in politics and policy.

Joe was joined by Jessica Taylor, Senate and Governors Editor for The Cook Political Report on the results of the primary elections in Maryland. Alice Hill, Senior Fellow for energy and the environment at the Council on Foreign Relations discussed President Biden's climate initiatives. Plus, Bloomberg Politics Contributors Jeanne Sheehan Zaino and Rick Davis discussed primary results, and President Biden's executive actions on climate change. See for privacy information.

Guest host Emily Wilkins was joined by Bloomberg Government Congress reporter Zach Cohen on the congressional agenda. Brad Moss, Partner at Mark Zaid discussed the Steve Bannon trial and what to expect during this week's Jan. 6 committee hearing. Plus, Bloomberg Politics Contributors Jeanne Sheehan Zaino and Rick Davis discuss Joe Biden's plans to announce executive action to confront climate change after Senator Joe Manchin blocked legislation and the upcoming House vote on the Right To Contaception Act. See for privacy information.

Bloomberg Washington Correspondent Joe Mathieu delivers insight and analysis on the latest headlines from the White House and Capitol Hill, including conversations with influential lawmakers and key figures in politics and policy. Guest host Emily Wilkins was joined by Rep. Andy Levin, (D-Michigan) on the congressional agenda, U.S. House staffers plans to unionize and his primary race against Rep. Haley Stevens. Bloomberg Government election reporter Greg Giroux discusses Maryland's primary election races. Plus, Bloomberg Politics Contributors Jeanne Sheehan Zaino and Rick Davis discuss the Levin/Stevens primary race in Michigan, the next steps for a slimmed down reconciliation bill and the impact of gas prices starting to come down. See for privacy information.

Bloomberg Washington Correspondent Joe Mathieu delivers insight and analysis on the latest headlines from the White House and Capitol Hill, including conversations with influential lawmakers and key figures in politics and policy. Today's guests: Rep. John Katko (R-NY), on the President's efforts overseas and the strategic importance of keeping the Middle East allied with the West. Plus, Al Mottur and Rick Davis debate President Biden's priorities and look ahead to the 2022 Midterm elections. See for privacy information.

Bloomberg Washington Correspondent Joe Mathieu delivers insight and analysis on the latest headlines from the White House and Capitol Hill, including conversations with influential lawmakers and key figures in politics and policy. See for privacy information.

Today's guests: Maya MacGuineas, President of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget discusses the latest CPI numbers. Virginia Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger talks about President Biden's trip to the Middle East. And Politics Contributors Jeanne Sheehan Zaino and Rick Davis discuss takeaways from the CPI numbers and what they expect from the President's trip. See for privacy information.

Today's guests: Don Ayer, Former United States Deputy Attorney General and current Adjunct Professor at Georgetown Law School, discusses the latest from the January 6th Hearings. Jonathan Panikoff, Director of the Atlantic Council’s Brent Scowcroft Middle East Security Initiative and the Former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Near East, previews President Biden's trip to the Middle East. And Politics Contributors Jeanne Sheehan Zaino and Rick Davis discuss takeaways from the January 6th hearing as well as President Biden's trip abroad. See for privacy information.

Today's guests: Jane Hall, Associate Professor at American University School of Communication discusses the score of crises facing President Biden. Jonathan Gruber, Professor of Economics at MIT and Architect of the Affordable Care Act, discusses ACA funding. And Politics Contributors Jeanne Sheehan Zaino and Rick Davis discuss President Biden's approval ratings, his upcoming Saudi trip, and turning around his administration's woes. See for privacy information.

Today's guests: Austan Goolsbee, Professor of Economics at Booth School of Economy at University of Chicago discusses June's jobs report and Bloomberg Politics Contributors Jeanne Sheehan Zaino and Rick Davis discuss Elon Musk's decision to terminate his bid to buy Twitter. See for privacy information.

Today's guests: Anthony Gardner, Senior Advisor at Brunswick Group and former U.S. Ambassador to the European Union under President Obama on UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's resignation, Bloomberg Congress reporter Billy House on next week's January 6 Committee hearing, and Bloomberg Politics Contributor Jeanne Sheehan Zaino and Republican Strategist Doug Heye on British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's resignation and Brittney Griner's guilty plea in Russia. See for privacy information.

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