Spill The OT: Real Talk Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Language Pathology

Spill The OT: Real Talk Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Language Pathology

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Spill the OT Podcast is a judgement-free zone to spill all of the tea about OT, PT, and SLP. We talk to REAL therapists out in the field to learn about the ups, downs, and everything in between. No topics are off limits! Let's chat salary, medicare, student loans, the good, the bad, all things therapy. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/spilltheot/support

Hi friends! Today we are talking to a lovely therapist named Angelika and she is sharing about her experiences being on an interview panel and taking a course on interviewing. If you are a new graduate, student, or therapist looking to switch jobs or career then you DO NOT want to miss this interview!! Angelika shares SO MANY helpful tips for interviewing that we decided to split the interview in half so you can fully absorb and digest all of these great suggestions. To follow Angelika and her journey you can find her: on IG @WanderlustLika and on YouTube @https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5fpVN35z1fvOPk5DFvRCuQ --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/spilltheot/support

Hi friends! Today we are talking to a lovely therapist named Angelika and she is sharing about her experiences being on an interview panel and taking a course on interviewing. If you are a new graduate, student, or therapist looking to switch jobs or career than you DO NOT want to miss this interview!! Angelika shares SO MANY helpful tips for interviewing that we decided to split the interview in half so you can fully absorb and digest all of these great suggestions. To follow Angelika and her journey you can find her: on IG @WanderlustLika and on YouTube @https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5fpVN35z1fvOPk5DFvRCuQ --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/spilltheot/support

Welcome to season 3 friends! Today we are interviewing with an amazing therapist who shares about her passion for starting conversations around the historically (but fortunately changing!) "taboo" topic of menstruation. This therapist is choosing to remain anonymous and currently works in pediatrics where she found a lack of conversation and education for her clients. We shared an honest discussion about her aims with continuing the conversation and hopefully presenting at AOTA to continue this conversation to a much wider scope. IG - TheBleedinOT --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/spilltheot/support

Hi everyone! Today is a little different - I am being interviewed! Katie, our interviewer today is an innovative and enthusiastic prospective OT student who has a myriad of experience in marketing and website design. Her positivity and kindness is infectious AND she has such high quality interviewing skills! This will be the last episode of season 2, please join us for season 3 premiering the first week of September! IG: @Spill_The_OT YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZfXCBSHTS8V4BYp3crCcA --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/spilltheot/support

Hi everyone! Today we are talking with Ali and Holly, the CEOs and founders of Purpose Therapy Box. These amazing OTAs created a dynamic company to promote occupational therapy and wellness (and to bring cheer!) through boxes for seniors ("birthday" boxes, "thinking of you" boxes, and "sponsor a senior" boxes) as well as boxes for OT professionals/students. These wonderful women are driven, creative, and have a zest for life that is evident via all of the positivity they put into this world. Tune into this episode to learn more about their journey through entrepreneurship! Website: https://purposetherapybox.com/ IG: @PurposeTherapyBox --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/spilltheot/support

Hi everyone! Today we are talking to a fantastic OT, Andrea LeFlore. She is an occupational therapist in the Chicagoland area and recently graduated with her Doctorate in Occupational Therapy from the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). She is a Research Specialist at UIC where she supports community-based participatory research, clinical peer mentor projects for people with disabilities, and performance-based assessments for Williams Consent Decree class members. She is the Director of Community Education on the Chicago Street Medicine team and a 2018-2019 Schweitzer Fellow. She contributes to various homeless workgroups including the MacNeal Medical Respite team for the homeless and the Alliance for Health Equity among Chicago Hospitals to address Housing and Health initiatives. Her experience in developing and conducting Participatory Community Assessments involved academic and community partnership formations with permanent supportive housing organizations in Chicago. --- S...

Hi everyone! Are you an empath? Me too! I am NO expert, but trust me I know that feeling of being told you are "too sensitive" and I'm here to help! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/spilltheot/support

Hello! Today we are interviewing with a fantastic OT who lives and works in Sydney, Australia and she shares about her experiences working as a community-based occupational therapist. Tune in to hear about her work experience so far as an OT! Instagram: larasworld__ --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/spilltheot/support

Bio: Marissa is an occupational therapist who specializes in lactation and infant feeding. She owns and operates a private practice called Lactation & Development Resources which serves mothers perinatally and infants ages 0-6 months. Prenatally, she educates and empowers clients with evidence-based information about lactation, breastfeeding, and bottle feeding so that they can go into their birth as prepared as possible. Postpartum, Marissa offers a holistic and integrated approach to lactation support and feeding therapy in order to help her clients achieve their individual goals. Marissa is also passionate about helping other OTs as well as SLPs and PTs transition to specialize in this unique area of practice. She offers business consulting and mentorship for othertherapists starting a Lactation practice. She is also one of the Co-Founders of The Lactation OT. Website: www.lactdev.com www.LactationOT.com Instagram: @lactdev @lactation_ot Facebook: Lactation & Development Resource...

Hi Everyone! Today we are talking to Brittany Ferri. Brittany is an occupational therapist and founder/owner of Simplicity of Health, LLC. While the majority of her clinical experience is in mental health and cognitive rehab, she also has experience as a telehealth specialist, adjunct professor, consultant, and health literacy specialist. She has been quoted as a health expert in numerous publications, including NBC News, Creaky Joints, MyFitnessPal, Parade Magazine, and Care.com.Brittany has also authored several books: a therapy textbook entitled "Effective Occupational Therapy Documentation" and an Amazon children's book called "Why is there a person in my computer?" helps kids understand how teletherapy can help a range of health concerns. For more information, visit www.simplicityofhealth.com Books: https://www.amazon.com/Why-there-person-computer-teletherapy/dp/1790536057/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?keywords=why+is+there+a+person+in+my+computer&qid=1583683162&sr=8-4 https://novapublishers....

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