Deliverance from evil spirits accounts for one-third of the Lord Jesus' ministry when He was on this earth. The Deliverance ministry today has saved alot of people from falling into spiritual dangers and has captured many out of spiritual dangers. The Lord Jesus Christ wants to deliver a person as and individual. My deliverance was different than some other peoples may have been. In other words your deliverance is or will be special to the Lord. When I mention in the recording about "legal grounds", I want to add that "sin" and "walking in or justifying sin" is also a legal ground for the enemy to come in or stay in your life. Sin must be confessed and repented of and then the demons are driven out of your life. The Christian then must learn how to "walk out" their deliverance through teachings on deliverance, spiritual defense and the Power of Jesus and His Spirit. Deliverance is not hocus pocus or magic or anything out of the ordinary. Deliverance is the power of Jesus Christ movi...
Christians are in a supernatural war! Christians must realize that our flesh is not our only enemy. We are under supernatural attack from the powers of darkness and this warfare must be fought with supernatural weapons..
Supernatural Prayer -Victory over Schidzophrenia Schizophrenia is a problem for Christian and non-Christian families alike. Christians have a solution to the problem that is lasting and permanent. There will be no drugs involved or counsel of man. This solution is the deliverance power and authority of Jesus Christ. Prayer foundations must be laid for our friends, families, and ourselves. Come and join us in live prayer on this show!
This week we will continue with prayer and spiritual warfare study. We will also look at spiritual oppression concerning Christians and have live prayer and spiritual warfare following.. Come and stand in agreement for yourself, and your family and whoever else the Lord lays on your heart.
Internet Safety is really a very important issue. Children that surf the internet everyday unmonitored are being exposed to inappropriate materials. Adults are even being ensnared by some of the materials that are being displayed on this monster called the Internet. This week our special guest Mark Strohm will expose some of these dangers and discuss ways of preventing this exposure. Mark Strohm has been an educator for 25 years and has been speaking on Cyber Issues for 6 years and parenting issues for 15 years. Mark is also a father of four and a grandfather of three. If you are concerned about your child's safety on the internet or just want to learn how to be more aware when surfing the internet please come and join us for this informative and exciting show. You may visit Mark' s website at :
This week we will continue to discover the power of prayer and intercession. We will also be doing live prayer and intercession after a short teaching so please come and stand in agreement with the greatest intercessor in the universe Jesus Christ.
This week we will look at prayer and the power of prayer. We will also do live spiritual warfare prayer.. come and join us as we stand with the greatest intercessor in the universe.. Jesus Christ!Note* please excuse the sound quality on my last couple of shows. Will try to improve for future shows. Thanks for your prayers!
Growing in the revelation knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word is a daily process. If the believer by an act of the will submits themselves to the Lord, the Holy Spirit will assist in "convicting and convincing" and cause the believer to grow spiritually and prosper as a Christian. However, sometimes demonic activity is one of the the issues that can hinder spiritual growth.
The Grace of God is free for those that receive the Blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ. There are no free rides and we must submit our wills to the Lord Jesus Christ in order to be saved by the grace of God.
This week we will continue our study of Ephesians chapter one and look at some corresponding scriptures concerning the Doctrine of Election.