StressLess Camping podcast

StressLess Camping podcast

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A podcast for anyone who wants to make their next RV and camping experience a StressLess Camping adventure. With road trips, RV tips, RV hacks, destinations, deals and ways to make the journey easier Peggy and Tony Barthel's weekly campfire chat, along with their guests, is a great way to enjoy some StressLess Camping.

Driven to Wonder author Michael Boyink shares his stories, tips and thoughts about spending eight years on the road with his family. He talks about starting and ending the journey and even how he redefined worship on the road. Further, as introverts, he speaks to finding community on the road. The book is a compendium of over 100 adventures with beautiful pictures and is an enjoyable read. We also talk about our new office in our RV, a new mattress choice and even a new RV we found that breaks a lot of stereotypes. Notes, comments, links and more can be found on our home on the web at This is episode 159. The StressLess Camping RV podcast is a great resource for anyone wanting to make the most of the RV adventure and RV lifestyle.

We look back on three years of the StressLess Camping Podcast and what inspired us to start this podcast. What were the ideas and thoughts behind StressLess Camping? Who are we and what makes us RV industry veterans? Notes, comments, links and more can be found on our home on the web at This is episode 158. The StressLess Camping RV podcast is a great resource for anyone wanting to make the most of the RV adventure and RV lifestyle.

How do you successfully treat your RV black tank? Are there ways to keep things from smelling and should you use a gray tank treatment? What about the fresh water tank? Is it possible to keep your tank sensors working properly? We speak with Jeremy King from Thetford about the science behind holding tank treatments and what you need to know. Notes, comments, links and more can be found on our home on the web at This is episode 157. The StressLess Camping RV podcast is a great resource for anyone wanting to make the most of the RV adventure and RV lifestyle.

On this week’s StressLess Camping RV podcast we talk about choosing a domicile state for full-time RVers and what it takes, the challenges, some of the benefits and why we chose South Dakota. What’s the best state to claim for RV domicile? What do you need to change your state and why would you want to change your domicile state as a full-time RVer? What about mail? Health and vehicle insurance? Notes, comments, links and more can be found on our home on the web at This is episode 156. The StressLess Camping RV podcast is a great resource for anyone wanting to make the most of the RV adventure and RV lifestyle.

Travel trailer hitching tips. Be safe and secure and easily hitch and unhitch your travel trailer’s weight distribution hitch with these helpful ideas. Do you really need a weight distribution hitch in the first place? We have the answers. Plus a new safety gadget we got that we really like. Notes, comments, links and more can be found on our home on the web at The StressLess Camping RV podcast is a great resource for anyone wanting to make the most of the RV adventure and RV lifestyle.

Ticks! One camper’s story of being bitten by ticks, contracting Lyme disease and what his personal story of recovery looked like. Great information for any RVer on how to avoid ticks, what to do if you encounter one and even how one camper recovered from Lyme disease. We also share about our new weight distribution hitch and why we like it better than what many people buy. And we visit a museum that is thought to be second only to the Smithsonian - The Henry Ford. Absolutely an American treasure and must-see. Notes, comments, links and more can be found on our home on the web at This is episode 154. The StressLess Camping RV podcast is a great resource for anyone wanting to make the most of the RV adventure and RV lifestyle.

Is your data secure on the road? How you do avoid losing your most important files and information and how can you prevent being hacked? This week on the StressLess Camping RV podcast we get our geek on and share tips and ideas for keeping your most precious information secure. We also have one of the best gadgets we’ve ever reviewed - definitely a must have item for anyone with a travel trailer or fifth wheel. Notes, comments, links and more can be found on our home on the web at The StressLess Camping RV podcast is a great resource for anyone wanting to make the most of the RV adventure and RV lifestyle.

We share a tour of our new trailer, a Rockwood Mini Lite 2205s. On this podcast episode we tell why we bought this particular trailer and some of the unique features of this model along with some prototype pieces we’re trying out from various companies. Then we visit an Amish dairy by buggy. Notes, comments, links and more can be found on our home on the web at StressLess This is episode 152. For links, references and more the episode's home on the web is here. The StressLess Camping RV podcast is a great resource for anyone wanting to make the most of the RV adventure and RV lifestyle.

Author, hiker, boondocker and adventurer John Soares has written a number of books on boondocking, travel, hiking, adventuring and more and we get the low down and some great tips in this week’s podcast interview. We also have potentially the most innovative RV layout we’ve seen, a ridiculously named great gadget and bask in the increasing darkness of the lunar eclipse. Notes, comments, links and more can be found on our home on the web at StressLess This is episode 151. The StressLess Camping RV podcast is a great resource for anyone wanting to make the most of the RV adventure and RV lifestyle.

Your RV’s fresh water system explained in simple terms to help you camp in campground and get water while boondocking. Can I drink my RV’s water? How do I get a hot shower? Do I need a pressure regulator or water filter? Notes, comments, links and more can be found on our home on the web at StressLess This is episode 150. You can find all the details here. The StressLess Camping RV podcast is a great resource for anyone wanting to make the most of the RV adventure and RV lifestyle.

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