Stuff Your Doctor Should Know

Stuff Your Doctor Should Know

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An informative and entertaining podcast on health, nutrition and related topics along with tips to empower you to take the first steps to a happier and healthier you.

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Kyle Mamounis joins me to talk about:Why you should eat carbsThe failure behind lab readingBias in academic studiesEstrogen in tissues vs estrogen in bloodand so much more! About Kyle;"Got my bachelor's in biology in 2008 and my PhD in nutritional biochemistry in 2017. Have tried most of the faddish extreme diets from ~2004 raw veganism (high fruit and high fat) through Aajonus Vonderplanitz primal, paleo, a raw paleo mostly carnivore diet, and then a diet based on Ray Peat's ideas. I think I might be the only person to have been personally obsessed with nutrition and trying these extreme diets that are all over the internet while simultaneously pursuing an academic research career in biomedical science."Also mentioned in the podcastUse HGG20 and get 20% off your Just Thrive order of Spore based probiotics HERE AND Use WISH for discount on Ona's products HERE Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information.

Constantine joins us once again to discuss what flies in the face of conventional estrogen recommendations. Estrogen may help with vaginal atrophy and hot flashes but is curing one or two symptoms enough to choose to supplement when research is showing that the common denominator for the higher rate of women with Alzheimer's, stroke, heart disease and gallbladder removal is toxic estrogens in the tissues and low levels in the blood? It's worth exploring. You can reach Constantine here constantine.kanargelidis@rogers.comAlso mentioned in the USE COUPON CODE DEAN for 10% off all products Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information.

Sabrina Ourania aka the Womb Alchemist is a certified women’s health coach & womb guide helping women reclaim their bodies, emotions, & feminine radiance via a synthesis of science & the sacred arts. She has a master’s in Health Coaching with concentrations in nutrition & herbal medicine, and specialized training in alternative modalities such as pelvic steaming, womb massage, & a variety of energy healing methods. She’s also an avid astrologer who loves guiding women through awakening to their innate moon cycle magic. She believes at the root of addressing our menstrual & reproductive health issues lies healing the relationship to our inner Feminine essence.You can reach Sabrina HEREhttps://www.sabrinaourania.comAnd HERE@womb_alchemist on IGOr mentioned in the podcastUs.onasnatural.comUSEWISH for 10% off of any product including the CALM CREAM cbd/progesterone for anxiety and insomniaSupport this show

*EXPLICIT LANGUAGE WARNING*Time to lighten up and laugh at yourself and everyone else with the help of Leo Wik.An important part of a healthy lifestyle is not taking your self so seriously.Follow his hilarious InstagramHERECheck out this awesome SWAG mentioned in the podcastHUGE PREMIER RESEARCH LABS SALE30% OFF ALL PRODUCTS USE COUPON 30%_4G7W57_RMIF YOU DON'T ALREADY HAVE A PRL ACCOUNT, YOU CAN SIGN UP HERE FOR FREE this show See for privacy and opt-out information.

Welcome Tommo Littlewood! He tells us all about the 6 markers of good health and how to work on achieving them!"I want to change the conversation around appropriate diagnosis of thyroid hormone disease. Mounting pollution and stress has multiple effects on how thyroid hormones and their actions are produced and expressed.My goal is to add to the already well-documented effects ofpollutants on thyroid disease which can affect reproduction, mood, energy, digestion, sleep and increase systemic inflammation. Chronic and under-diagnosed thyroid disease has vast implications to each generation ahead of us affecting not just fertility but increasingly susceptibility to disease." Tommo LittlewoodIf you'd like to contribute to this Go Fund Me you can do so HEREIf you'd like to reach out to Tommo for coaching, you can do so HEREAlso mentioned in the podcast us.onasnatural.comSupport this show See for privacy and opt-out information.

Justin is the host of Extreme Health Radio and a health researcher who enjoys exploring topics such as longevity, minerals, detoxification and optimal living principles. mentioned in the podcast USE COUPON CODE EHR10 for 10% off plus multiproduct discounts! Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information.

Jay is a health coach, independent health researcher, and the host of The Energy Balance Podcast. He has degrees in neuroscience and exercise physiology from the University of Miami and decided to forgo medical school after realizing that the conventional medical approach was not the solution to the health problems that so many of us face. After working through various conventional and alternative health paradigms and trialing countless diets (including everything from vegetarian to keto), Jay came across the idea that cellular energy is the foundation of our health. He now uses a bioenergetic approach to help men and women around the world maximize their cellular energy and achieve freedom from low-energy symptoms like chronic hunger & cravings, fatigue, brain fog, poor sleep, gut issues, and stubborn weight gain.Listen to Jay's PODCAST HERE Also mentioned in the podcast THE ENERGY BALANCE COURSE by Jay FeldmanALSO mentioned in the podcast THE BEST SPORE BASED PROBIOTICS Use coupon code HGG20 AND GET 20% OFF!!! HEALTHY GUT GIRL'S NEW SHOP PAGE! Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information.

Constantine works with clients as a health coach via email or video/audio calls and can be reached at constantine.kanargelidis@rogers.comHe would like to share that he highly recommends reading the articles on,the blog posts on, all of Ray Peat's books such as "From PMS to Menopause" and the book "Hypothyroidism, the unsuspected illness" by Dr. Broda Barnes.And coupon code DEAN for 10% off based probioticsUSE HGG20 for 20% off HERESupport this show See for privacy and opt-out information.

Why you shouldn't be taking vitamin D, Iron or Ascorbic Acid!Get Morley's book HEREAnd coupon code WISH for 10% off based probioticsUSE HGG20 for 20% off HERE Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information.

Can't live with it can't live without it. Balance is the key to this essential hormone. Georgi Dinkov sheds light on the mystery behind stubborn weight gain. Find Georgi here: Georgi's products HERE Also mentioned in the podcast coupon code WISH for 10% offSupport this show See for privacy and opt-out information.

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