Subliminal Deception: A Conspiracy Theory Podcast

Subliminal Deception: A Conspiracy Theory Podcast

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Cody and Phil dive into the world of conspiracy theories in search of the truth or at least good laugh.

This week we delve into the details surrounding the "Val Johnson Incident". In 1979, a police officer was driving down a desolate road, when a mysterious light crashed into his vehicle. But said light could never be identified, could it be something supernatural like UFO? Or something natural?

In this week's Episode of The Subliminal Deception Podcast, Cody and Phil Discuss the Legend of a most Mysterious Cargo Freighter, the Ourang Medan, whose crew was discovered dead to the last man in the Straights of Malacca in the summer of 1947, after an ominous and broken up Distress call, that led to a chilling discovery, still speculated about to this day.

This week we delve into a gentlemen by the name of George Adamski. George seem to want to dabble his fingers in all sorts of different things during his life, his experiences with aliens and UFO's would be what he became most known for.

In this week's Episode of The Subliminal Deception Podcast, Cody and Phil discuss The United States practice of human medical experimentation, which occurred during the of the twentieth century, what populations were targeted, and how prisoners, the mental challenged and other vulnerable people were exploited for the advancement of Medical research.

In this Week's Episode of The Subliminal Deception Podcast, Cody and Phil have a banter session, because of the sad fact that Phil was without Internet for the last week, due to moving to a new apartment.

This week we examine two individuals by the names of Gilles Garnier and Peter Stubbe, who were tried for being suspected of being a werewolf but were they simply a serial killer? or Perhaps they were innocents and confessed while enduring extreme torture.

In this week's Episode of The Subliminal Deception Podcast, Cody and Phil discuss the recent tragedy of China Eastern Airlines Flight MU 5735, what the Chinese Government is currently claiming had happened to the aircraft, and some possible conspiracy theories about the fate of the flight, which crashed just recently in March of 2022.

This week we delve into the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. The plane disappeared in 2014, and still to this day has never been recovered, so what exactly happened on that dreadful flight?

In this week's Episode of The Subliminal Deception Podcast, Cody and Phil discuss Ancient Civilizations from around the world, and the possibility that they may have been visited by what they perceived as the almighty Sky Gods, using strange Alien Technology now lost to the ages.

Sorry to all the regular listeners of Subliminal Deception but we could not get a regularly scheduled episode published this week due to illness and other reasons. We do have a little bit of a banter episode between the two of us talking about a lot of random topics. We will return next week for another conspiracy episode for your asses!

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