Sweathead, A Strategy Podcast

Sweathead, A Strategy Podcast

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How do you get good at strategy? Whether you’re into brand strategy, advertising strategy, digital strategy, social media strategy, or you just love doing strategy but you get frustrated at how people use the word, Sweathead will help you delve into the practices and minds of some of the world’s most wonderful strategists. We're in our fifth year and have surpassed 1,200,000 listens! Hit SUBSCRIBE, tell your friends, and leave a kind rating. Real-time action is @markpollard and @sweathead.You can find strategy classes and "Strategy Is Your Words" here: http://www.sweathead.com.

Maria Van Buskirk is Head of Strategy at Media by Mother. Mother is notorious for its creativity. So you'd expect Media by Mother to be notorious for its creativity in media. But how does it all work, especially in a city like New York that can make creativity feel so corporate and where big budgets and a fetish for efficiency can dull many creative spirits? In this episode, Maria shares with us how media thinking can help ideas before they happen and when to bring a comms planner in to play. You can find Maria here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maria-van-buskirk-01317540/ ** The Sweathead Do-Together conference and our next multi-week accelerator will happen in October, 2022. ** Subscribe to our newsletter for updates: ️ Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/dscjW5 ** Strategy classes: http://www.sweathead.com Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/sweathead Podcast & other links: https://znap.link/sweathead Sweathead is a support group for strategists and account planners around the world. We host conferences, online courses, live events, and podcasts. We also train companies.

For details about the Sweathead Strategy Summer Camp, go to: http://www.Sweathead.com

We all want to feel good about our work but does some of the marketing industry take itself too seriously? In our personal pursuit for meaningful work and a sense of nobility, can we completely overshoot the whole point of marketing? What if marketing doesn't need to be noble? What if "brand purpose" isn't a useful concept? What if marketing is just to sell? These are questions that Anthea Foyer (Sector Development Officer, City of Toronto), Julie Ng (Marketing and Business Development Consultant), and Radovan Andrej Grezo (Creative Director, Somebody&Somebody) discuss with us in this live panel recording of Sweathead. You can find Anthea here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthea-foyer/ Julie is here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julieonvancouverisland/ Andrej is here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/radovangrezo With thanks to Dot Jarantilla for making this happen. ** Find out about our 4-week virtual summer camp at http://www.sweathead.com. It starts on July 21, 2022. ** Strategy classes: http://www.sweathead.com ️ Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/dscjW5 Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/sweathead Podcast & other links: https://znap.link/sweathead Sweathead is a support group for strategists and account planners around the world. We host conferences, online courses, live events, and podcasts. We also train companies.

Nathan Brown is Global Chief Strategy Officer for UM in New York. We worked in the same building on William St in Sydney about 15 years ago. Nathan was a breath of fresh air. He built teams that expected to do creative things with their clients’ media buys. He was a good coach and easy to collaborate with. He’s still all of these things. But many years have passed since we worked together so I wanted to see how a coach-oriented, creative thinker was faring in the high-stakes game of media planning in New York. We discuss a lot of C-words: - Creativity in media planning, - Media buying as a commodity, - Being a CEO of PHD Media, - Being a CSO, - Culture, - Collaborating with advertising agencies, - Clients, and - Whether Nathan is a company man at heart :) You can find Nathan here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathan-brown-8115153/ ** Find out about our 4-week virtual summer camp at http://www.sweathead.com. It starts on July 21, 2022. ** Strategy classes: http://www.sweathead.com ️ Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/dscjW5 Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/sweathead Podcast & other links: https://znap.link/sweathead Sweathead is a support group for strategists and account planners around the world. We host conferences, online courses, live events, and podcasts. We also train companies.

Jo Lepore is Global Foresight Leader at Mars Wrigley. She moved to the USA about a year ago and works out of Hoboken, New Jersey. In this episode of Sweathead, Jo takes us through how she approaches her work, the work of a snack futurist. This kind of work might be of interest to a few agency strategists and Jo helps us understand how to make it work that the rest of a business will want to engage with rather than ignore or just use as lunchtime entertainment. Jo also publishes her own podcast. It’s called Looking Outside. You can find out more here: https://www.looking-outside.com/ ** Find out about our 4-week virtual summer camp at http://www.sweathead.com. It starts on July 21, 2022. It's for our annual members. ** Strategy classes: http://www.sweathead.com ️ Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/dscjW5 Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/sweathead Podcast & other links: https://znap.link/sweathead Sweathead is a support group for strategists and account planners around the world. We host conferences, online courses, live events, and podcasts. We also train companies.

Archana Mahadevan is VP, Director of Strategy at DDB Chicago. Archana was born in India and came to the United States to attend college. She has been here ever since. While in India, Archana was obsessed with advertising, and wanted to prove to everyone that she could do it. So she combined her need to start over, her desire to work in advertising, and her urge to leave her country and grow professionally to come to the USA. You can find Archana here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/archana-mahadevan-30a21617/ ** Details about our 4-week virtual summer camp are coming: http://www.sweathead.com. It starts around July 18, 2022. ** Strategy classes: http://www.sweathead.com ️ Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/dscjW5 Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/sweathead Podcast & other links: https://znap.link/sweathead Sweathead is a support group for strategists and account planners around the world. We host conferences, online courses, live events, and podcasts. We also train companies.

Picture this: you have a yearning to do strategy but you’re in an account management role. Maybe a job switch has been promised. Maybe you're simply doing multiple roles. Either way, on your mind is this question: "How do I do strategy full-time?" The transition isn’t always easy. The thing you want can put stress on your current company. But how much of that is a ‘you’ problem versus a ‘them’ problem? In this episode of Sweathead, we speak with these three people who’ve made the leap: 1. Kimberley Upton, Head of Planning at Blue Chip (UK) https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimberley-upton-93112819 2. Chirag Khushalani, Creative Strategist at AKQA (UAE) https://www.linkedin.com/in/khushalani/ 3. Alana Dwyer, Strategic Planner at Goosebump (Ireland) https://www.linkedin.com/in/alana-dwyer-6bb8695a/ ** Strategy classes: http://www.sweathead.com ️ Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/dscjW5 Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/sweathead Podcast & other links: https://znap.link/sweathead Sweathead is a support group for strategists and account planners around the world. We host conferences, online courses, live events, and podcasts. We also train companies.

Within a matter of minutes, the pandemic went from freaking out everybody about keeping their jobs to unfurling a ton of new opportunities. Agencies and brands alike turned to strategists to help them navigate the ambiguity and confusion and frustration. And now many strategists realize they have more options than ever. But what’s a strategy boss to do? In this live session, we ask: 1. What are the most common challenges facing managers of strategists right now? 2. What do managers get wrong? 3. How can managers get more things right? Guests: Lee Maicon – CSO https://www.linkedin.com/in/leemaicon/ Nikita Walia – CEO and Founder of Blank https://www.linkedin.com/in/nikitaontheinternet/ Seth Gaffney – CSO, Preacher https://www.linkedin.com/in/sethgaffney/ ** Find out about our 4-week virtual summer camp at http://www.sweathead.com. It starts on July 18, 2022. ** Strategy classes: http://www.sweathead.com ️ Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/dscjW5 Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/sweathead Podcast & other links: https://znap.link/sweathead Sweathead is a support group for strategists and account planners around the world. We host conferences, online courses, live events, and podcasts. We also train companies.

Rodolfo Estrada is a fresh new planner at BBDO in Guatemala. He recently took The Sweathead Strategy Accelerator, our 6-week strategy course. And I thought his work was worth sharing. In this episode, Rodolfo takes us through his response to a hypothetical brief. The task was to get heavy drinkers to consider Vivitrol as a way to cut down their drinking. Vivitrol is a monthly needle in the butt (although there are pill versions of the drug, too - eg Naltrexone). It claims to turn down the opioid receptors in the brain, to reduce the endorphin rush that heavy drinkers feel after their first few drinks and then chase for the next few hours with more drinks. You can find Rodolfo here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rodolfoaestrada/ ** Find out about our New York City strategy workshop on June 16 here: https://sweathead.com/products/the-sweathead-strategy-workshop/ ** Strategy classes: http://www.sweathead.com ️ Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/dscjW5 Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/sweathead Podcast & other links: https://znap.link/sweathead Sweathead is a support group for strategists and account planners around the world. We host conferences, online courses, live events, and podcasts. We also train companies.

After stints at Leo Burnett and Droga5, Mara Rigney now helps brands work out what to do with Web3 at Accenture Song. "With Web3" is such a...non-specific thing. And, for those of us who've been around through Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, it's hard not to feel a little skeptical. Like, "Oh, here comes another Ponzi scheme." But, in this episode, Mara takes us through some of the fundamental concepts of Web3 and describes how she works with brands to get a handle on it. You can find Mara here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mararigney/ ** Find out about our New York City strategy workshop on June 16 here: https://sweathead.com/products/the-sweathead-strategy-workshop/ ** Strategy classes: http://www.sweathead.com ️ Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/dscjW5 Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/sweathead Podcast & other links: https://znap.link/sweathead Sweathead is a support group for strategists and account planners around the world. We host conferences, online courses, live events, and podcasts. We also train companies.

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