Talk More with Rosemore - The Calisthenics Podcast

Talk More with Rosemore - The Calisthenics Podcast

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Talk more with Rosemore is a podcast where we talk everything calisthenics. It is designed to empower you, challenge you and inspire you. Whether you are a coach, pupil or just a calisthenics junkie, this is for you. We talk with leading coaches, calisthenics pupils past and present, adjudicators, health professionals and leaders in their field, sharing knowledge, learnings, successes and disappointments, our aim to answer the questions you have always wanted to know.

Honestly, where do I start? To be fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to chat with Valerie Kondos Field has been an absolute highlight of my life. And more importantly being able to share this with you, our calisthenics community. Whether you...

Nutrition has always been a passion of mine, even as a young girl, which is why I chose a career Dietetics. However, my work has predominantly been in adult nutrition, in particular obesity management. So when I started to see some of our young...

Today on the podcast I talk with Julie Fox about the pupil skills syllabus and the increased requirement of good ballet and dance technique in calisthenics. Julie is not only an adjudicator but winner of the RSSS Most Graceful Girl and has had many...

I love the opportunity to look outside our current sport and learn from other disciplines. What they do and what can we bring back into calisthenics to help our pupils become stronger and achieve more. Today’s podcast is exactly that as we talk with...

As coaches, we all know the importance of engaging the younger generation in calisthenics and the benefits of starting kids early to learn and grow with the sport. Our Tinies and Tiny Tots are the future of calisthenics, so it is important for them to...

Adjudicating is a tough job, I know it is one that I don't think I could ever do. I am definitely more comfortable standing side stage as a coach than having to make those tough decisions up in that adjudicators chair. Today we are speaking with Kate...

Today we are interviewing the one and only Natalie Bond from Robynmore Calisthenics. I can guarantee you that you will finish this podcast with a smile on your face. Nat's bigger than life personality, and her passion is contagious. I honestly could of...

Today on the podcast we are very fortunate to have join us, is Sue Harding from Merinda Calisthenics College in Melbourne. Sue is one of the top Championship Level Coaches in Melbourne and has had a very successful coaching career being awarded...

A big part of our sport relies and achieving a reasonable level of flexibility with our pupils. We have all coached pupils that come to class and are naturally flexible and can do whatever you ask; then some don’t seem to improve.For many of us we...

I don’t think there is anyone in the calisthenics community that hasn’t wanted to improve in or on something, whether it be a movement that you haven’t quite mastered, a coaching technique, improving your flexibility or even something...

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