That Video Game Podcast

That Video Game Podcast

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Join the TVGP Crew every Monday for your weekly dose of video game coverage.

Featuring: Michael “Boston” Hannon and Paul “Moonpir” Carver-Smith Running Time: 21:16 Music by MusiM: Homepage | Bandcamp Livestream Archive: YouTube We start a brand new game this week, with Rogue Legacy 2! We dive deep into the family tree to figure out what happens when we get bitten by a clown, dash towards some enemies, set up some house rules, make some blood deals, and so much more! Become a patron of TVGP for just a few dollars a month at E1M1’s Patreon Page! Get *two weeks* early access to this show (among other shows), show notes, uncensored outtakes, and more for just $5/month!

Featuring: Michael “Boston” Hannon Paul “Moonpir” Carver-Smith Running Time: 58:22 Video Version: YouTube We dive into our back-to-back comedy movies with the Jump Street films! While comedy can be hard to cover, will we enjoy this movie? Will we get anyone confused in this movie? And, mostly importantly, will Boston finally say Channing Tatum correctly? Listen and find out! Applause sound effect from SoundBible Royalty free music from Become a patron of TVGP for just a few dollars a month at E1M1’s Patreon Page! Get two month early access to Critical Misses, uncensored outtakes, and much more for just $5/month!

Featuring: Michael "Boston" Hannon, Paul “Moonpir” Carver-Smith, and Alexander “TheNimp” Jolly Running Time: 1:12:32 Music by MusiM: Homepage | Bandcamp Livestream Archive: YouTube This week we chat about Breath of the Wild, Far: Changing Tides, Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom, Far Cry 5, The Division 2, The Sims 4, Dicey Dungeons. Unity sticks a ton of feet in their mouth this week skate. Sony announces PlayStation Stars Become a patron of TVGP for just a few dollars a month at E1M1’s Patreon Page! Get two month early access to Critical Misses, uncensored outtakes, and much more for just $5/month!

Featuring: Michael “Boston” Hannon and Paul “Moonpir” Carver-Smith Running Time: 21:14 Music by MusiM: Homepage | Bandcamp Livestream Archive: YouTube We’re ready to do some actual science to figure out where Loot River falls in our giant list of the best Roguelikes of all time! We wrap up our thoughts about it, ask the question we ask every month, and make some really difficult decisions this time. Our next game is Rogue Legacy 2! Become a patron of TVGP for just a few dollars a month at E1M1’s Patreon Page! Get *two weeks* early access to this show (among other shows), show notes, uncensored outtakes, and more for just $5/month!

Featuring: Michael "Boston" Hannon, Paul “Moonpir” Carver-Smith, and Alexander “TheNimp” Jolly Running Time: 1:22:33 Music by MusiM: Homepage | Bandcamp Livestream Archive: YouTube This week we chat about Dead By Daylight, Breath of the Wild, Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin, Solasta: Crown of Magister, Dicey Dungeon, The Sims 4. Let Me Solo Her Gets a Real Life Reward Skull & Bones Has a Relase Date? God of War Ragnarok Also Has a Release Date Become a patron of TVGP for just a few dollars a month at E1M1’s Patreon Page! Get two month early access to Critical Misses, uncensored outtakes, and much more for just $5/month!

We're taking a week off! The scientists need a little time to rest and recover (make sure to stretch before doing science) to make sure we're all set for next week's episode. See you then!

Featuring: Michael “Boston” Hannon Paul “Moonpir” Carver-Smith Running Time: 2:05:34 Video Version: YouTube Our adventure ends in this episode as our heroes finally come together to defeat…actually, who is the bad guy in this one? Let’s meet our new heroes, fall in love with some old ones, enjoy some sassiness, and figure out what Moon’s Ten Minute Moment is. Applause sound effect from SoundBible Royalty free music from Become a patron of TVGP for just a few dollars a month at E1M1’s Patreon Page! Get two month early access to Critical Misses, uncensored outtakes, and much more for just $5/month!

Featuring: Michael "Boston" Hannon, Paul “Moonpir” Carver-Smith, and Alexander “TheNimp” Jolly Running Time: 1:30:33 Music by MusiM: Homepage | Bandcamp Livestream Archive: YouTube This week we chat about Dying Light, Dead By Daylight, FAll Guys, Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin, Far Cry 5, Final Fantasy V Four Job Fiesta, The Sims 4. We recap the latest Nintendo Direct Mini Become a patron of TVGP for just a few dollars a month at E1M1’s Patreon Page! Get two month early access to Critical Misses, uncensored outtakes, and much more for just $5/month!

Featuring: Michael “Boston” Hannon and Paul “Moonpir” Carver-Smith Running Time: 18:32 Music by MusiM: Homepage | Bandcamp Livestream Archive: YouTube This week we find new vendors, make some big discoveries, learn a lot about one stat, and ask an important question. Become a patron of TVGP for just a few dollars a month at E1M1’s Patreon Page! Get *two weeks* early access to this show (among other shows), show notes, uncensored outtakes, and more for just $5/month!

Featuring: Michael "Boston" Hannon, Paul “Moonpir” Carver-Smith, and Alexander “TheNimp” Jolly Running Time: 1:11:21 Music by MusiM: Homepage | Bandcamp Livestream Archive: YouTube This week we chat about Dying Light, TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge, Destiny 2, Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin, Dragon’s Dogma, Final Fantasy V Four Job Fiesta, Shadowrun Returns. Bungie files a really wild lawsuit Into the Breach getting a new update and mobile versions Become a patron of TVGP for just a few dollars a month at E1M1’s Patreon Page! Get two month early access to Critical Misses, uncensored outtakes, and much more for just $5/month!

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