THE BALANCED BUSINESS PODCAST | Holistic Health + Entrepreneurship

THE BALANCED BUSINESS PODCAST | Holistic Health + Entrepreneurship

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67 聲音
Balance your life. Build your business. THE show for health, wellness, and life coaches and holistic health-minded entrepreneurs and millennials!

I've evolved SO MUCH since this podcast began...and I'm finally in the place where I can share what I've learned since I last released an episode. Because the podcast algorithms favor new shows however...I have decided to create a brand new one instead of doing a re-brand. Thank you for understanding <3 This episode is a preview. If it feels like a good fit for you - come find me over at Soul Expansion (links in the show notes)

Are you a health & wellness coach trying to grow your biz on IG? Then this episode is just for you! It's time to attract more new clients and maintain current business relationships by using this great platform. Stay tuned!

In today's episode, I want to show my gratitude to the power of the internet and at the same time encourage you to share your message. Happy Holidays!

Hey, health & wellness coaches! In the 64th episode, we are joined by incredible conversion copywriting coach Ciara Gigleux from @ciaragigleux. Stay tuned to hear some tips on how to resonate with your ideal client!

Hey guys! Today we are joined by intuitive eating coach Victoria Evans of to discuss how to stay positive as a female entrepreneur and to remind you that you are so much more than your body!

Hey health & wellness coaches! Are you using Instagram to build your business? Then boy do I have a treat for you! This week I'm spilling the tea on my IG Story pro tips!!

REBROADCAST! Feeling stressed this holiday season? This episode will seriously help! Let's be real, bubble baths are NOT working for stress management in 2019. Today we are joined by guest Carlee Myers of The Stress Less Company to talk us through nontraditional ways to manage stress!

Today we're joined by Chelsea Uithoven a health and confidence coach! She gives us tangible tips for how to navigate the binge-fest that is the holidays.

Today we're joined by Pascale Côté! She's a Digital Nomad coach and has personally lived the nomadic life for 6 years. Today she's teaching us all about how to create a location independent business!

Calling all perfectionists and procrastinators! You need to listen to this episode. Today we are joined by Monja Meyer of She teaches us about how the brain works and how we can start to shift our beliefs to break perfectionist tendencies.

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