The Band: A History

The Band: A History

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Exploring the history of Canadian-American roots rock group, The Band.

The Band: A History sits down with Chest Fever, the official revival of The Band.

The Band: A History sits down with legendary recording engineer, mixer andrecord producer Bob Clearmountain. whose innovative approach has led him to work with industry-heavy-hitters like Bruce Springsteen, David Bowie, and The Rolling Stones. Tackling the 50th anniversary of Music From Big Pink in 2018. Bob has worked on all subsequent anniversary releases by The Band, including the most recent, Cahoots.


Assembling in the studio at various points during 1976 through 1977, The Band put together a plan for Islands. It was described later by Robbie as being similar to The Who’s Odds & Sods album. In essence, it was a hodgepodge of older recordings along with some newer cuts to complete their eight album record deal with Capitol.

Full-on post-production of The Last Waltz took place over an eighteen-month period from the winter of 1977 through the spring of 1978. It was a monstrous undertaking with many moving pieces between the studio, producers, technicians, crews and the musicians.

The Last Waltz dragged on. With the concert wrapped and filming complete at the MGM soundstage, Martin Scorsese wanted to now add a series of interviews to further contextualize the footage shot. With the go-ahead and more budget from the studio interviews were filmed.

The Band: A History sits down with former guitarist of The Band Jim Weider.

The Band: A History sits down with Mrs. Henry, the California-based rock group who is heading out on the road with their show Music From The Band. Mrs. Henry first tackled The Band with their extensive rendition of The Last Waltz that later was pressed on vinyl. Since then, the group has continued to craft their own music and tour. Now, there are back with their Music From The Band Tour, featuring songs from The Band's entire career. During the interview, we talk about the band's inception, how COVID-19 struck them, their new tour plans and more. If you want to learn more about Mrs. Henry's tour you can find information here:

“It hadn’t really hit me that when the song was over, so was The Band.” Levon Helm later remembered as The Band stumbled from the Winterland stage at 3:00 AM following one of the biggest shows of their lives. However, it wasn't over. After combining through footage it was determined they needed to film additional content. Thus, The Last Waltz Suite was born. A combination of live recordings on the MGM soundstage featuring The Staple Singers and Emmylou Harris and studio recordings including all-new material. It was a confusing time, a group that had at the very least said they were publically finished, kept working away on material but they were drifting apart. Each member began to work on various projects as if the band they had put over a decade into didn’t exist anymore. They rather neglect the elephant in the room rather than fully deal with band politics. The Band: A History is produced, written and hosted by Tyrell William Lisson with additional research and writing by Alex McGillivray and post-production sound and editing by Michael Koehler.

The Band: A History is pleased to welcome The Manuel Archive's Breanna McCann and music journalist Allison Rapp to discuss the 50th anniversary reissue of The Band's fourth studio album "Cahoots". We talk about Bob Clearmountain's updated mix, the positive and negative changes, the tracklisting and bonus features.

With the show underway and a plethora of performances next up included Neil Young, who had the unfortunate experience of sporting a massive cocaine booger in his nostril as he floated through his set of numbers before more performances took place including Joni Mitchell, a controversial Neil Diamond, the electrifying performance of Van Morrison, who almost got to scared to go on stage, a collection of performances from beatniks, Hells Angles and poets, and their old friend Bob Dylan who was being difficult the night of the Waltz and almost didn't appear. At the close of the concert, the sudden rush of triumph and sadness washed over the exhausted group as they left the stage. Drenched in sweat, blood and tears, they had just completed the ultimate marathon, not only had they played over forty songs with their peers and friends, they had just completed the marathon that was their humble beginnings in Southern Ontario in 1957 when Robbie Robertson met Ronnie Hawkins and Levon Helm that eventually led to Levon Helm, Robbie Robertson, Rick Danko, Richard Manuel and Garth Hudson change the face of rock music. The Band that left the stage wouldn’t perform live in the same iteration again, it was the end of an era, The Band, was the behemoth behind the curtain, never showy, never boastful, but always impactful. As the evening faded into the morning, the concert that was The Last Waltz was complete, but it was just the beginning of what it would become and what audiences today remember of the legendary moment of history. Produced, hosted and edited by Tyrell William Lisson. Additional writing and research by Oscar Ashley.

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