Happy 4th of July! This one is all about evangelical america’s obsession with guns. As always we are not experts, we just google this stuff. Hosted by Trevor Poelman and Damien Doepping Support us on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beliefitornot For more info and our references check out https://beliefitornot.wordpress.com/ Also follow us on twitter @beliefitornot, instagram @beliefitornotpodcast, or facebook https://www.facebook.com/beliefitornot/ Or email beliefitornotpodcast@gmail.com
This episode is all about Christianity’s stunning track record when it comes to be bigotted toward the LGBTQIA community. We talk early christianity, WW2, Anita Bryant, Jerry Falwell, Reagan’s terrible response to the AIDS epidemic, so much more shameful garbage. As always we are not experts, we just google this stuff. Hosted by Trevor Poelman and Damien Doepping Support us on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beliefitornot For more info and our references check out https://beliefitornot.wordpress.com/ Also follow us on twitter @beliefitornot, instagram @beliefitornotpodcast, or facebook https://www.facebook.com/beliefitornot/ Or email beliefitornotpodcast@gmail.com
Teen Mania looked like any other evangelical ministry aimed at saving teens for the lord by putting on youth conferences and organizing missions trips. However what was really going on was far more sinister and far more dangerous. We talk about Acquire the Fire, Extreme Camps, Global Expeditions, and the infamous Honor Academy. It’s all about emotional manipulation, charging teens to work for them, lots of shame and guilt, and the torturous weekend of hell that was called ESOAL. As always we are not experts, we just google this stuff. Hosted by Trevor Poelman and Damien Doepping Support us on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beliefitornot For more info and our references check out https://beliefitornot.wordpress.com/
This episode is all about Billy Graham and his family. We talk about the life of Billy and the influence he had. We talk about the early days and marriage of Billy and Ruth. We discuss the family life in the Graham household, and how each of the kids and some of the grandkids turned out. We’re talking drugs, booze, infidelity, and lots of preaching. As always we are not experts, we just google this stuff. Hosted by Trevor Poelman and Damien Doepping Support us on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beliefitornot For more info and our references check out https://beliefitornot.wordpress.com/ Also follow us on twitter @beliefitornot, instagram @beliefitornotpodcast, or facebook https://www.facebook.com/beliefitornot/ Or email beliefitornotpodcast@gmail.com
We’ve been asked lately by a number of people how, when, or if they should tell their families they no longer believe in God. This is our attempt to answer that question. As always we are not experts, we just google this stuff. Hosted by Trevor Poelman and Damien Doepping Support us on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beliefitornot For more info and our references check out https://beliefitornot.wordpress.com/ Also follow us on twitter @beliefitornot, instagram @beliefitornotpodcast, or facebook https://www.facebook.com/beliefitornot/ Or email beliefitornotpodcast@gmail.com
Christian apologists have defended over and over again why the bible defends slavery, or at least try to argue why it doesn’t, but what does the bible actually say? How did Christian slave owners in America justify owning humans? And why do so many Christians still defend Confederate monuments today? As always we are not experts, we just google this stuff. Hosted by Trevor Poelman and Damien Doepping Support us on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beliefitornot For more info and our references check out https://beliefitornot.wordpress.com/ Also follow us on twitter @beliefitornot, instagram @beliefitornotpodcast, or facebook https://www.facebook.com/beliefitornot/ Or email beliefitornotpodcast@gmail.com
In this episode we talk more about those awful religious leaders who took advantage of people, broke the law, were just kinda shady, or were plain old hypocrites. We talk Carl Lentz, Ravi Zacharias, John Crist, and so on and so forth. They’re gross dudes. As always we are not experts, we just google this stuff. Hosted by Trevor Poelman and Damien Doepping Support us on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beliefitornot For more info and our references check out https://beliefitornot.wordpress.com/ Also follow us on twitter @beliefitornot, instagram @beliefitornotpodcast, or facebook https://www.facebook.com/beliefitornot/ Or email beliefitornotpodcast@gmail.com
This episode is all about christians and their views on gender. We talk about outdated and insane gender roles, strange dress codes, and the ordination of women. We also discuss their reaction to trans people existing and which churches are more ok with that than others. As always we are not experts, we just google this stuff. Hosted by Trevor Poelman and Damien Doepping Support us on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beliefitornot For more info and our references check out https://beliefitornot.wordpress.com/ Also follow us on twitter @beliefitornot, instagram @beliefitornotpodcast, or facebook https://www.facebook.com/beliefitornot/ Or email beliefitornotpodcast@gmail.com
You’ve seen the John 3:16 signs at sports games but do you know who started that whole thing? It was all thanks to a man named Rollen Stewart aka Rockin Rollin aka Raibow Man aka The John 3:16 guy. We discuss his heartbreaking early life, his passion for getting attention at large sporting events, his revelation that this was his mission, and his tragic run ins with the law As always we are not experts, we just google this stuff. Hosted by Trevor Poelman and Damien Doepping Support us on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beliefitornot For more info and our references check out https://beliefitornot.wordpress.com/ Also follow us on twitter @beliefitornot, instagram @beliefitornotpodcast, or facebook https://www.facebook.com/beliefitornot/ Or email beliefitornotpodcast@gmail.com
In this episode we discuss the video game company Wisdom Tree. We talk about how they got around Nintendo's chip and how they jumped on an opportunity with the christian market. We talk about their classic games like Bible Adventures Game, King of Kings: The Early Years, Sunday Funday, Bible Buffet, and Super Noah 3D. As always we are not experts, we just google this stuff. Hosted by Trevor Poelman and Damien Doepping For more info and our references check out https://beliefitornot.wordpress.com/ Also follow us on twitter @beliefitornot, instagram @beliefitornotpodcast, or facebook https://www.facebook.com/beliefitornot/ Or email beliefitornotpodcast@gmail.com