The Better Life Project™

The Better Life Project™

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A personal growth podcast for women who want to live well. In each weekly episode you’ll find loads of inspiration, encouragement, and practical ideas to help you change every area of your life for the better. For additional content and resources visit Have a question or topic you'd love to see covered on the show? Email us at!

In this episode I'm joined by Holistic Hormone Coach, Leisha Drews, who is sharing loads of wisdom and practical advice to help you have better periods, increase your energy, and generally start feeling better as a woman. Show Highlights: The underlying root causes of bad periods and PMS symptoms How to know if your period symptoms are normal or not Why birth control isn't an effective "treatment" for bad periods, acne, etc What you can do to start healing your hormones and have better periods How to support your body well before and during your period Why it can take up to 3 months or more to notice changes Links & Resources: Free Workshop: 3 Ways to Balance Your Hormones Nourish Your Hormones Course Nourish Your Hormones Group Follow Leisha on Instagram

Having goals, intentions and things we want to work toward is great...but what do we do when life happens and our motivation to actually follow through runs out? In this episode I'm sharing a few simple "secrets" to keeping yourself motivated when you find yourself running out of steam. Show notes for this episode can be found at

In this first episode of the New Year I'm sharing a handful of practical tips to help you slow down, take a deep breath, release any pressure you might be feeling, and recenter yourself in order to move forward with peace, clarity and purpose. Show notes and resources mentioned in this episode can be found at

We're just a few weeks away from a brand new year, and in this episode I'm sharing a handful of things that have made a massive impact in my life over the past year in the hopes that it will inspire you to start thinking, dreaming and preparing for any shifts or changes you want to make in 2022! For show notes, links, resources + more visit: Did you enjoy today's episode? We'd love if you would take a quick minute to leave a rating and review, which will help other women just like you find and be encouraged by the our show! Want to make sure you never miss an episode? Hit that "subscribe" button on your podcast app and clickHEREto join our email family so you'll be notified whenever a new episode is released.

If you’re anything like me, setting, communicating, and upholding healthy boundaries can feel really confusing, daunting and uncomfortable, especially if you don’t have much experience doing it. But having good boundaries in place is so important for the sake of our physical, mental, emotional, relational and financial health. This is especially true during the holidays! Over the past few years I’ve learned a lot about what exactly boundaries are, why they are so important, how to set them, how to communicate them, and how stick to them. So in this episode I’m going to walk you step by step through setting some healthy boundaries for yourself this holiday season to protect your time, energy, space, and well-being. For show notes, links, resources + more visit: Did you enjoy today's episode? We'd love if you would take a quick minute to leave a rating and review, which will help other women just like you find and be encouraged by the our s...

In today’s episode I’m sharing a simple trick I use to make it dead simple to consistently make healthy choices, plus a handful of practical ideas to help you prioritize getting enough sleep, staying active, nourishing yourself well, and managing your stress so you can feel your best all season long (and beyond!) For show notes, links, resources + more visit: Did you enjoy today's episode? We'd love if you would take a quick minute to leave a rating and review, which will help other women just like you find and be encouraged by the our show! Want to make sure you never miss an episode? Hit that "subscribe" button on your podcast app and clickHEREto join our email family so you'll be notified whenever a new episode is released.

In this episode I’m breaking down some really practical things you can do to simplify the holidays this year, focus on what matters most, and cultivate an attitude of peace, gratitude and joy. For show notes, links, resources + more visit: Did you enjoy today's episode? We'd love if you would take a quick minute to leave a rating and review, which will help other women just like you find and be encouraged by the our show! Want to make sure you never miss an episode? Hit that "subscribe" button on your podcast app and clickHEREto join our email family so you'll be notified whenever a new episode is released.

For so many of us this time of year comes with a lot of extra stress and pressure to speed up, hustle, overcommit, overspend, and overwork trying to be, do and keep up with all the things. But girl, it doesn't have to be that way! Consider this episode is my invitation to you to explore what it would look like to slow down, pull back, take the pressure off, and simplify in the days ahead. Are you in? Show notes, links and resources mentioned in this episode can be found at

In this episode I'm joined by my friend Allie Casazza, Host of The Purpose Show and author of Declutter Like a Mother, for a crazy inspiring conversation about how to take radical ownership of your life and start making empowered decisions that support you in living a simpler, more fulfilling, and more abundant life. For show notes, links, resources + more visit: Did you enjoy today's episode? We'd love if you would take a quick minute to leave a rating and review, which will help other women just like you find and be encouraged by the our show! Want to make sure you never miss an episode? Hit that "subscribe" button on your podcast app and clickHEREto join our email family so you'll be notified whenever a new episode is released.

Eating healthy can often feel like an uphill battle in our modern world, and eating healthy with kids can feel even more difficult. In this episode I'm sharing all my best tips, practices and advice to help you simplify healthy eating with kids. My hope is that this episode will not only encourage and empower you in your journey to feed yourself and your family well, but also equip you with practical tools and ideas to make it as easy as possible. For show notes, links, resources + more visit: Did you enjoy today's episode? We'd love if you would take a quick minute to leave a rating and review, which will help other women just like you find and be encouraged by the our show! Want to make sure you never miss an episode? Hit that "subscribe" button on your podcast app and click HERE to join our email family so you'll be notified whenever a new episode is released.

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