The Catholic Money Show from WalletWin

The Catholic Money Show from WalletWin

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2,000 years of wisdom for your finances. WalletWin Founders Jonathan and Amanda Teixeira put the personal back in personal finance as they explore the intersection of faith and finance and help Catholics get out of debt, build wealth, and change the world through generosity. (And have fun doing it.)

What are the lies that we tell ourselves to justify our money behavior? In the third edition of our Money Lies Series, we break down the lie of "Less Money Will Make Me Holier..." Have questions or leads for us? Leave a voicemail - Or Email us -! Music in this episode is by Dylan Gardner – check out his album Almost Real on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to great music. --- Send in a voice message:

What are the lies that we tell ourselves to justify our money behavior? In the second edition of our Money Lies Series, we break down the lie of "Create the Life of Your Dreams..." Have questions or leads for us? Leave a voicemail - Or Email us -! Music in this episode is by Dylan Gardner – check out his album Almost Real on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to great music. --- Send in a voice message:

What are the lies that we tell ourselves to justify our money behavior? In the first edition of our Money Lies Series, we break down the lie of "I Work Hard - So I Deserve It." Mentioned in this Episode: - #146 Are You Living Maximum Fruitfulness? Have questions or leads for us? Leave a voicemail - Or Email us -! Music in this episode is by Dylan Gardner – check out his album Almost Real on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to great music. --- Send in a voice message:

We were ready to go...the budget was set, packing was in progress...then we got the news that Yellowstone was flooded and we'd have to replan our annual RV adventure. How did we adjust? Listen and find out! Have questions or leads for us? Leave a voicemail - Or Email us -! Music in this episode is by Dylan Gardner – check out his album Almost Real on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to great music. --- Send in a voice message:

This week, we are so thrilled to welcome Dr. Greg Popak, Founder and Executive Director of the Pastoral Solutions Institute to chat all about building the domestic church. Mentioned in today's episode: - Catholic Households on a Mission - FREE WalletWin Academy Trial Have questions or leads for us? Leave a voicemail - Or Email us -! Music in this episode is by Dylan Gardner – check out his album Almost Real on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to great music. --- Send in a voice message:

In today's episode, we are talking about the three things we wished we knew about money growing up. Mentioned in today's episode: - WalletWin Kids - Have questions or leads for us? Leave a voicemail - Or Email us -! Music in this episode is by Dylan Gardner – check out his album Almost Real on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to great music. --- Send in a voice message:

In this week's episode, Amanda walks Jonathan through the budget she created for their trip to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks! Jonathan provides his feedback and input and they share how they are going to absorb the high gas prices in their low-gas milage WalletWinnebago. Our 2021 Summer Vacation to the Black Hills Episodes: - #192 How to Plan a Vacation Without Busting the Bank - #102 Did We Bust Our Vacation Budget? Learn more about our bundle "How to Save and Make Money While Traveling" at Have questions or leads for us? Leave a voicemail - Or Email us -! Music in this episode is by Dylan Gardner – check out his album Almost Real on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to great music. --- Send in a voice message:

What is maximum fruitfulness? Does it lead us to holiness? Jonathan and Amand explore these questions and more in this week's episode. Mentioned in today's episode: - What the Bible Actually Says About Money by Scott Morton Have questions or leads for us? Leave a voicemail - Or Email us -! Music in this episode is by Dylan Gardner – check out his album Almost Real on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to great music. --- Send in a voice message:

This week, we are so excited to share the first episode of our Catholic SproutsKids and Money Week! Our family has been long-time fans of Catholic Sprouts, so it was an honor to contribute to their show as guest hosts. Visit Catholic Sprouts to listen to all our episodes about money! Have questions or leads for us? Leave a voicemail - Or Email us -! Music in this episode is by Dylan Gardner – check out his album Almost Real on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to great music. --- Send in a voice message:

The Catholic Church is in the midst of a Vocations Crisis. Does debt have a role in preventing people from entering religious life? Is debt affecting people's decision to get married? In this week's episode, Jonathan and Amanda explore these questions and more. Mentioned in today's episode: WSJ Article: When Student Debt Stands in the Way of Religious Poverty FREE Trial of WalletWin Labouré UCSSB Prayers for Vocations Join the FREE Little Way of Marriage Workshop! Vist Have questions or leads for us? Leave a voicemail - Or Email us -! Music in this episode is by Dylan Gardner – check out his album Almost Real on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to great music. --- Send in a voice message:

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