The Collector’s Show – Harold Nicoll

The Collector’s Show – Harold Nicoll

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Some collectors are casual about collecting and pick things up to add once in a while. These are not the people we talk to on The Collectors Show. Our guests are single minded folks whose collections are not just important but help to define them. They have a passion, and laser-like focus that gives insight into not just what makes for an interesting or even valuable collection, but let’s us peer into their souls.

This week on The Collectors Show we meet Genevieve Keeney who is the president of the National Museum of Funeral History. To read all the latest news from the world of collecting go to

This week on The Collector's Show we meet Lisa Sweasy, Curator/Director of the Vent Haven Museum. Many museums start based on the collection of a single person and that is the case this week. The Vent (short for ventriloquism) Haven Museum is the only museum of its kind in the world. It houses more than 800 figures, thousands of photographs, playbills, letters, and an extensive library of vent-related books, some of which date back to the 1700’s.

This week on The Collectors Show we meet Kevin Gilmore of Hallmark. Kevin is a writer and historian of Hallmark collectible ornaments. Ever since his mom taught him to read at age 2, Kevin has loved to figure out how stories work so he could make up his own to tell-usually ones with spaceships, aliens and weird science stuff. In his career, he has told stories with novels, children's books, screenplays, newspaper articles and more, including Hallmark greeting cards and Keepsake Ornaments. Kevin grew up in central Kansas and graduated from the University of Kansas. He's very happy to hear about your favorite stories or tell you about his.

Our guest this week on The Collectors Show is Mark Bellomo. Mark is an accomplished author and collector. He has written hundreds of articles about toys from the 1980’s and a whole library full of books on vintage action figures and pop culture. Most recently, he wrote The Ultimate Guide to Vintage Star Wars: 1977-1985, a book that covers every action figure, accessory, creature, mail-away, playset, vehicle, and weapon system from Kenner’s original Star Wars toy line, along with a wealth of flavor text discussing the history of the characters, spaceships, and settings within the Star Wars universe. At 272 full-color pages, since the end of November this reference guide has already sold out of its first printing, and the book has garnered many positive reviews.

This week on The Collectors Show we talk with Melanie Thomas about collecting Victorian Christmas ornaments. Melanie is a frequent contributor to Antique Trader Magazine and has written about this topic. Here is a link to that article: She and her husband own and operate the Arsenal of the Alleghenies in Gettysburg, PA. Here is a link for their store:

This week on The Collector's Show we learn about a tool for collectors called 'Collectify'. With it, collections can be easily catalogued, their value tracked for registry with insurance companies and legal or family disagreements prevented. In the news segment we learn about a collection of bottles discovered while a freeway was being built among others. To learn more about the world of collecting, go to

This week on The Collectors Show we introduce the Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thanksgiving Collection, the world's worst job and the past, present and future of plastic model collecting and building. Read more about collecting at

How important is plumbing and why should we take notice or collect it? To find out we meet Linda Weiking of the world's only Plumbing Museum. The Plumbing Museum was started by a family of plumbers who collected tools and implement of the trade dating back to the middle of the 19th century. To learn more about collecting, visit the web site, or write to the host,

This week on The Collectors Show we welcome Jennifer Fischer and talk about collecting Nancy Drew. We also learn about the largest collection of bedpans in the country during the news segment. To keep up with the news, be sure to visit the web site,

This week on The Collector's Show we talk with Sarah Reed who is a collector and inventor of board games. To keep up with this and more news fr'om the world of collecting go To send Harold a note,

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