The Crypt Book 01: The Crew

The Crypt Book 01: The Crew

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It is the best-kept and worst-kept secret in the Planetary Union navy. The PUV James Keeling, a warship that does things that no other ship can do. It is a weapon, and a liability. The rumor is that eighty percent of the people assigned to the Keeling die before their two-year stint is up. That rumor is the reason for the ship's nickname -- The Crypt, a vessel full of the dead.Those with a promising career, those with connections, those that can can avoid service on the Keeling do just that. But still, the ship must fight, and for that, it needs a crew. The navy assigns the worst of the worst: cowards, thieves, murderers, rapists or those with nowhere else to go, no way to opt out. Your choice is simple: be executed for your crimes, or serve two years on the keeling. If you make it out alive, your record is wiped clean and you get a fresh start. For this crew of just over 100 souls, it will be the longest two years they have ever faced. What is this ship? Where did it come from? And why, oh, why, won't everyone stop screaming ...

When you is a ho, the pimp always wins. Yolanda Smith is taught this harsh truth in this episode. Here is your first peek, albeit a small one, inside the PUV James Keeling.

Every woman has the right to defend herself from the unwanted attentions of a man. But where is the line? And how far is her defense allowed to go?

Jonas Robinson will not let anything stand in between him and his vengeance. Colin Walker took his family from him, and he will pay.

Meet Lieutenant Suzanna Rossi and Captain Brachford serving on the PUV Shale Morris. Lieutenant Rossi, a devoted Purist, rapidly discovers that Captain Brachford is a religious bigot looking for vengeance. They are not going to get along very well.

"Bent Wrench" Crites is a brilliant engineer. Unfortunately, he also possesses a teensy weensy temper and is just a bit crude. This tends to offend his commanding officers' delicate sensibilities.

Meet Master Gunnery Sergeant Francis Sands, head of Marine security for the PUV Goshawk. He goes against his inherently strict nature and winds up putting his head in the figurative noose while walking his rounds.

Meet Sergeant Maya Whitaker, Private Jim Perry, and Private Mark Bennett. What could compel someone to volunteer to serve on The Crypt?

Meet Nitzhans Shamdi and Aramis, two hulking interplanetary marines. Bad things tend to happen when these boys drink too much.....

Meet Travis Ellis. His legal troubles force aHobson's choice uponhim.

Death surrounds some people. It follows them and shadows their every move. For Private Pippa Remic, it's something she just can't seem to escape. You can't really run from death when you are the one who is always dishing it out -- intentionally or not.

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