The Cutting Mat

The Cutting Mat

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The Cutting Mat PodcastWe are a hobby podcast that also touches on mental health and other topics not normally discussed in the scale modeling world. We are a bunch of nerds exploring Gunpla, Sofubi, Miniatures, and more with all of you out there. We are also exploring the corners of mental health, community, trying new things, why your brain does certain things, and our experiences with those things! The three hosts have been involved with scale modeling from being new hobbyists to professionals in the industry. This isn't your normal podcast, we want you to just do it badly! The Hosts:Joel @truegunpla ( @mechagenre ( @bigvroman (


While it would be fun for the three of us to talk about actual cults this new episode brings light to the issues with Idol Workshop in small hobby spaces. How much is too much? Put on your best noir suit and take a listen!

the boyz sit down and talk about the change of art after 9/11 and state of mental health and the correlations in our hobby. both positive and harmful.

This is actually episode 3.2.5 V2 but we will just call it Episode 3 of Season 3. Well if you haven't noticed we are down to three of us. The cursed Micromark magazine has entrapped Bailey! Tony Hawk does NOT want to ride bikes with us. We also talk about what the hell is going on with us and this podcast! We hope you all enjoy this return episode to The Cutting Mat Podcast and we can't wait to record many more!

You started your hobby journey and now comes the fun part, taking the next step forward. We are not talking about techniques but more inspiration and that motivation to learn that new skill. Also, this is our first episode of all of us back recording in person!

New 2021 Intro Episode

Season two of Premonition Of Paint is here! Brandon, Phil, and Joel talk about all of where to start with painting your miniatures and getting started. This episode is like the crusty rim of your citadel paints. Aka The Crusty Ring. Just kidding, this is our start to a new season of PoP and just like The Cutting Mat Podcast's latest episode. We are talking about where to start in the hobby of miniatures and how we got started!

Season Three is here! This first episode is well....the beginning! We wanted to talk about how to even get into this hobby. We are talking about our first experiences, traps to avoid, and overall a fun time. If you are an experienced builder or a level 1 builder with an hour to spare. This episode is for you!

Here is the last episode of Season Two. When we recorded this Joel was in the middle of moving into a new house. Which means the studio for the podcast was moving. Moving involves a lot of stress and what we talk about is how your hobby can both be something for relieving stress and also be causing unnecessary stress for you.....and something stupid that Joel said about catdog so that we named the episode that.

Brandon, Phil, and Joel talk about Tabletop Quality. Joel has no idea what it really means so the boys try and explain what this weird term is? Seem kinda silly but hey we are all painting little tiny orc dicks and wizards so fuck it!

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