The Everything Spiritual Podcast

The Everything Spiritual Podcast

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55 聲音
Fun and uplifting discussions about all things life and spirituality. Featuring regular guests, we explore topics, issues and themes, providing insight and plenty of laughs. We also provide meditations, healing and activations for listeners, in a friendly, joyful and non-judgmental space. We aim to be real, raw, authentic and human. And to grow together, be courageous, and raise the collective vibe!

Episode 55: This is an unedited version of our beautiful love toning. You get to hear us hear ourselves and have technical issues. It was fun to do and we wanted to have this raw and unedited bonus to be the last fun, loving thing we release for you under The Everything Spiritual Podcast. Enjoy!

Episode 54: Cara. Medha, Hinetera and I playing in the realms of sound. Toning in the energy of unconditional love.

Episode 53: Our farewell episode!! We laugh, we cry, and we dive into why we are finishing up. We each tell our own stories of the podcasting journey and the intuitive guidance that lead us here to this moment!

Episode 52: Millie guides you through a beautiful meditation to deepen your connection with your dog. Creating a deep shift in your own emotional state and that of your beloved pup.

Episode 51: In this episode we speak to dog confidence coach Millie Miller about fostering a deeper connection with our dogs. We dive into how our emotions, thoughts, self awareness and deep inner work can be reflected in our pets behaviour. You can find her on Facebook: And on her website:

Episode 50: Wendy guides us through a powerful inner child healing meditation.

Episode 49: In this episode we chatted with Kinesiologist and healer of the feminine Wendy Tullis about her work facilitating women in healing the Mother Wound.

Episode 48: Amy guides through a meditation to sink into, give space to and release your anger.

Episode 47: In this episode we dive into anger, an emotion commonly avoided or denied among spiritual seekers. What does it mean to fully embrace your own anger? Is there a safe way to express your anger?

Episode 46: Sharna guides you through a divine embodiment process to lead you into a blissful state of presence, peace and surrender.

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