The Fault Line: Dying for a Fight

The Fault Line: Dying for a Fight

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Portland-based anti-fascist Sean Kealiher was killed in 2019, months before the uprising that would bring Portland international attention. Nearly two years later, his homicide remains unsolved. His mother, Laura, believes she hasn't received justice because of police hatred for her son and his politics. Dying For A Fight, the second installment in Somethin’ Else’s Fault Line series, goes in search of answers: What happened the night Sean was killed? Why have no arrests been made? Who are the Americans living at the political extremes? And how did things escalate from Portland to the Capitol? This show is a co-production with Oregon Public Broadcasting.Listen now to new episodes of The Fault Line: Dying for a Fight every Monday wherever you get your podcasts!Season 1 of The Fault Line: Bush, Blair and Iraq, is also available to view on this platform. On September 11th 2001, as he faced incalculable losses after the terrorist attacks that day, President George W Bush made a call to his greatest international ally: British Prime Minister Tony Blair. 18 months later, Bush and Blair led a coalition into a war that went horribly wrong. David Dimbleby, one of the BBC’s best known news hosts and reporters, takes us back to those crucial 18 months. Talking to prime ministers, politicians, spies and weapons inspectors he asks how and why we came to invade Iraq. And as we experience an era of lies and mistrust - did the events of 17 years ago set the stage for the world we live in now? This is a Somethin' Else production.

On September 11th 2001, as he faced incalculable losses after the terrorist attacks that day, President George W Bush made a call to his greatest international ally: British Prime Minister Tony Blair. 18 months later, Bush and Blair led a coalition into a war that went horribly wrong. David Dimbleby, one of the BBC’s best known news hosts and reporters, takes us back to those crucial 18 months. Talking to prime ministers, politicians, spies and weapons inspectors he asks how and why we came to invade Iraq. And as we experience an era of lies and mistrust - did the events of 17 years ago set the stage for the world we live in now? Coming September 29th...... This is a Somethin' Else production. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Was there a chance to stop the 2003 invasion of Iraq before it even began? In February 2003 CIA agent Bill Murray chased a high level, top secret new source across the middle east. Bill was looking for a piece of information so valuable he might be able to use it to stop a war. A Somethin' Else Production. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

How did Bush and Blair get so close? We go back to the late 90s and hear how British Ambassador in Washington Christopher Meyer carried out Blair’s instruction to ‘get up the arse of the White House and stay there’. Meyer tries to find out what Bush’s position is on foreign policy and gets to know the influential group of conservatives advising him. They’re known as the neocons. A Somethin' Else Production. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

On September 11th 2001 the world changes in an instant. George Bush calls his greatest international ally, Tony Blair, and the two leaders stand shoulder to shoulder. But where and how should they strike back? A team of intrepid reporters in Washington investigates why the Bush administration is turning its attention towards Saddam Hussein and Iraq. A Somethin' Else Production. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

How did WMD become central to the case for war in Iraq? We go back to 1991 - just after the first Gulf War - to find out why the argument for invading Iraq focussed on Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction. We look at how the Iraqis tried to hide these weapons and meet the two men who did the most to try and find them. A Somethin' Else Production. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

An Iraqi defector’s evidence becomes crucial to the case for regime change in Iraq. His codename is Curveball. Meanwhile journalists at the Knight Ridder news organisation investigate whether the White House is using bogus intelligence to make the case for war. A Somethin' Else Production. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Tony Blair writes to George Bush “I’m with you whatever”. But now he needs to do two things: persuade the UK that war against Saddam is necessary, and the Americans that they need to seek international support for military action. The result is a decision by Bush to try and win round the United Nations, and an intelligence dossier that will haunt Blair forever. A Somethin' Else production. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

US Secretary of State Colin Powell is tasked with making a public case for war at the United Nations. As he tries to sort fact from fiction he alights upon evidence from the mysterious Iraqi defector known as Curveball. Meanwhile, weapons inspector Rocco Casagrande is searching the Iraqi desert. How will Powell’s speech match with the reality on the ground? A Somethin' Else production. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Tony Blair finally has to come face to face with his party and his country. To sell his war to parliament and to the public. Little does he know that in a few short months the weapons' inspectors, searching through the rubble in Iraq, will find something that will haunt him for the rest of his life and career. And it will leave us, the people, asking - can we ever trust our politicians again? A Somethin' Else production. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

9: Iraq

After the arguments over intelligence, the debates between politicians and the meetings behind closed doors in this final episode we ask what happened next? What happened to Iraq and what happened to Iraqis after Bush and Blair sent their troops into the country in March 2003? A Somethin' Else production. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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