The ForceCast: Star Wars News, Talk, Interviews, and More!

The ForceCast: Star Wars News, Talk, Interviews, and More!

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The latest news, events, and commentary from the Star Wars community.

The ForceCast is BACK!! This week, Ryan sits down with Natalie Holt, the composer of Obi-Wan Kenobi to discuss her score for the series.Ryan and Natalie discuss scoring for Vader, Leia, Obi-Wan, staying hopeful in the galaxy and much more!

Ryan and Brad break down the first 3 parts of Obi-Wan Kenobi!

The ForceCast is BACK!!This week on a jam-packed episode, Ryan is joined by the marketing team from Bandai Namco to discuss their presence at Celebration.Then, Ryan's wife Kate joins the show to watch the OT trailers and decide which movie seems most appealing based on those.Finally, The ForceCast took part in an Obi-Wan Kenobi press events and we play highlights from the event.

Ashley Eckstein joins Ryan for a discussion on mental health and her journey. They also discuss her new web series, Mindful Matters.

The ForceCast is BACK!!! This week, Brad and Ryan break down the panels for Celebration and which ones intrigue them the most.Then, Steve Sansweet of Rancho Obi-Wan dials up Ryan to preview their experience in Anaheim.The show rounds up with our final Obi-Wan Kenobi preview.

Alert! For May The Fourth we rushed to the microphones to break down the new trailer for Obi-Wan Kenobi!

Join Ryan! and Brian! and Brad! on a retrospective episode looking back at 20 years of Attack Of The Clones. The guys discuss their earliest memories from 2002, what holds up today, what doesn't hold up, the story, and so much more!

The ForceCast is BACK!!! This week, join Ryan and Abe as they discuss all the latest news around the galaxy.They discuss Star Wars Celebration announcements, play some clips of Ewan McGregor discussing Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka has a director.

The ForceCast is BACK!!!!This week, Ryan and Abe Couch answer your questions about the saga, shows you want to see, and much more!

The ForceCast is BACK!!This week, Ryan and Brad give us their dream ideas for a Star Wars series on Disney+.What would yours be?

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